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Ohio Voter Turn Out Turned Off!!!

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Ronbrynaert Donating Member (222 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 12:51 AM
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Ohio Voter Turn Out Turned Off!!!
The latest article from "50 States Mislead Their Voters" a project being undertaken by my blog "Why Are We Back In Iraq?" at and :

By most accounts, this was the election to end all elections. An election in which 117,897,556 Americans directly participated in our democracy by voting for their favored candidate.

Twenty years ago, only 92,653,233 Americans voted. That was a different race, though. Nearly everyone agrees that the 2004 election may have been one of the most important elections that this country has ever held.

To the rapidly-increasing-number-of people who are questioning the results of this past still-not-really-over election, Ohio's Cuyahoga County has become the center of attention. According to the census of 2000, 27.4% of the population of Cuyahoga County is black or African-American (, out of a total population count of 1,393,978 people. While most Americans were able to cast their vote in the time it would take them to eat on their lunch break, many voters in Cuyahoga County waited on line for up to ten hours. There are many reports that there were less polling machines in Cuyahoga County then there were in the last presidential election, even though 2004 was supposed to be the "mother of all elections."

There were 651,633 votes for president recorded in Cuyahoga County ( Not in 2004, but in 1984. A year when 25,2144,323 less votes were cast nationwide in the general election.

In 2004, there were 665,334 votes for President in Cuyahoga County.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Only 4,547,619 voted in the 1984 general election in Ohio, compared to 5,574,476 in 2004. Shouldn't the number of voters in Cuyahoga County this past election be on par with the increase in state and national votes?

How many voters stayed home because of the tremendously long lines?

There was a total of 1,005,807 voters in Cuyahoga County registered for this election. The percentage of votes cast for the county is pegged at 66.15%, compared to a state percentage of 69.86%. Hamilton County recorded a percentage of 72.87%. Bush beat Kerry in Hamilton County with 215,639 votes to 190,956. As of the 2000 census, Hamilton County's population of 845,303 people consists of 23.43% black or African-Americans.

If Cuyahoga County recorded a percentage of 72.87%, another - roughly - 70,000 people would have voted.

Another interesting thing about the two counties. While Hamilton County recorded an increase of over 12,000 registered voters, Cuyahoga's number decreased by nearly 5,000.

This is the voter turnout in Cuyahoga County for the presidential elections in between 1984 and 2004: in 1988, 601,117 votes; in 1992, 640,241 votes; in 1996, 580,030 votes; in 2000, 586,914 votes. Do you notice how low those last two numbers are? Maybe that has to do something with the Secretary of State.

According to Ohio's Secretary of State Website, "s Ohio's chief election officer, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell oversees the elections process and appoints the members of boards of elections in each of Ohio's 88 counties."

In 1998, J. Kenneth Blackwell, the Republican candidate, won a three man race for Secretary of State against two Democratic candidates who split the vote, though Mr. Blackwell received less votes than the two Democrats added together. Before Blackwell, Bob Taft - also a Republican - served for two terms (eight years). The last Republican Secretary of State in Ohio, before Mr. Taft, was in 1974.

I'm not suggesting that all the Republican Secretary of States suppressed the vote in Ohio. I am suggesting that, at least, J. Kenneth Blackwell has. If you are one of those people who think Kerry really won Ohio in 2004, you should also assume that Gore won Ohio in 2000. It's all about the turn out.

To Be Continued
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Chili Donating Member (832 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 04:55 AM
Response to Original message
1. this is what I feared, and what I was trying to find out:
"According to Ohio's Secretary of State Website, "s Ohio's chief election officer, Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell oversees the elections process and appoints the members of boards of elections in each of Ohio's 88 counties."

Uh-huh. Thought that might be the case.

Thank you.

Cuyahoga County is my pet project, and I won't stop talking about it, LOL.
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AnIndependentTexan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 05:05 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Building A Case against BLACKWELL
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Chili Donating Member (832 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 06:44 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. this is excellent, AIT!
I'm bookmarking this for later - I've got some things I have to take care of this weekend, hope to get back to picking at this on Monday... thank you!
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berniew1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 07:02 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. Full documentation of systematic voter suppression in Ohio counties
Systematic Voter Suppression: STEALING VOTES IN COLUMBUS (malfeasance)

The Free Press on Election Day posted a disturbing story, later confirmed by the Columbus Dispatch. The Free Press reported that Franklin County Board of Elections Director Matt Damschroder deliberately withheld voting machines from predominantly black Democratic wards in Columbus, and dispersed some of the machines to affluent suburbs in Franklin County. Damschroder is the former Executive Director of the Franklin County Republican Party. Sources close to the Board of Elections told the Free Press that Damschroder and Ohio’s Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell met with President George W. Bush in Columbus on Election Day. The idea was to discourage turnout in Democratic wards by forcing voters to wait in long lines at the polling places. Such a strategy would be far more effective than encouraging turnout in Republican wards. Elections are all about margins. There are 74 wards in Columbus. George W. Bush won 12 wards, with a margin of 7.35%. John F. Kerry won 62 wards, with a margin of 37.62%. Affecting Kerry’s turnout would greatly reduce his margin of victory in Columbus, giving the Republicans a much better chance of overtaking Kerry given a strong enough showing in suburban and small town Republican strongholds.

In order to investigate this matter, I obtained from the Franklin County Board of Elections all the data I needed in order to calculate, ward by ward, and precinct by precinct: (1) The ratio of registered voters per voting machine. (2) Percent turnout, calculated as total ballots cast divided by the number of registered voters. (3) Percent for Kerry, calculated as votes cast for Kerry divided by votes cast for president. (4) Margin of victory or defeat for Kerry, calculated as the difference between the vote totals for Kerry and Bush.

All 36 of the wards at the bottom of the list of voters per voting machine were won by Kerry, and they include most of his strongholds. In 29 of the 36 wards, Kerry exceeded his city wide share of 62.22% of the vote. However, these wards suffered a low voter turnout.It is important to understand what these numbers mean. The polls in Ohio were open from 6:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. That is 13 hours, or 780 minutes. If there are 400 registered voters per voting machine, and turnout is 60%, each voter has less than 3.5 minutes to vote, and that is assuming a steady stream of voters, with no rushes at certain hours. It also assumes no challenges to voters at the polls. If there are 550 registered voters per voting machine, and the turnout is 60%, each voter has 2.4 minutes. All of this amounts to theft of votes. It has been shown above that the Kerry precincts enjoyed a voter turnout similar to that of the Bush precincts when supplied with enough voting machines.

Thus I conclude that the withholding of voting machines from predominantly Democratic wards in the City of Columbus cost John Kerry upwards of 17,000 votes. A more detailed calculation could be done on a precinct by precinct basis, but that is not necessary here. The purpose is to illustrate the magnitude of the conspiracy. Matt Damschroder did not act alone. There are 74 wards and 472 precincts in Columbus, Ohio. It is not possible for one person to have delivered all the voting machines, and it is unlikely that nobody else was involved in planning where to deliver them. Anyone who associated with Mr. Damschroder on or shortly before Election Day should be investigated for possible complicity. Richard Hayes Phillips, Ph.D. 4 Fisher Street Canton, New York 13617 (315) 379-0820 [email protected]

Stealing Votes in Cleveland

Indications of possible ballot box stuffing in Warren County, Ohio

Favoritism in the Suburbs

Analysis Indicates Kerry could win Ohio with a "fair process" and fair vote count

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Chili Donating Member (832 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-04-04 06:13 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. and thank you for your research...!
...I've added a link to your site on mine (see the "Websites" section):

(though I'm afraid that the mountain of evidence and research and articles is just overwhelming. Trying to keep up with it all, and intend on adding a database when I get a chance next week)
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Dolphyn Donating Member (152 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 05:33 AM
Response to Original message
3. The population of Cuyahoga County has decreased.
See, for example:

Based on the "Population 1900-2000" bar graph, Cuyahoga reached a peak population around 1970 and has been declining since then. So a decrease in registered voters is not surprising.
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indigonation Donating Member (247 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 06:55 PM
Response to Original message
5. Wow ..This is really telling.
I wonder if these trends have been identified in other questionable areas in the US. Did you bring this information to one of our media sources?
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emcguffie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 07:09 PM
Response to Original message
7.  that chart somewhere
I guess you've seen that chart, somewhere on this site, that links percent voter turnout to number of voters per voting machine. As number of voters per machine goes up, percent turnout goes down. Way down.

That was in that county (can't spell it), I think. Percent turnout got really low, when there were 500 or so voters to machine. Down to 15-20 percent. Which is completely nuts in this election.

I don't know where it is now.

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emcguffie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-03-04 07:10 PM
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8.  thar it is!
It's just a couple of threads down. Voting machines by race. At least, I think that's it.

Sorry if I'm telling you what you already know all to well.
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