here's my latest missive to the san antonio excuse for news ;) :
Dear Editor,
It has been said that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing, but expecting a different outcome. You stated in your endorsement of President Bush that we need to resolute in the war on terror & Iraq & so should give President Bush four more years. I have no other option than to conclude that you are all insane.
Today it was revealed that over 380 tons of explosives have "disappeared" from Iraq since the war began in March 2003, and is possibly being used against our troops in Iraq. If, God forbid, President Bush is re-elected because folks like you fell for the "more of the same" line, what other weapons of hell would be able to walk out of other Iraqi munition dumps? I believe that President Bush's first priority should have been to secure the munition dumps instead of the oil fields, but I suppose that the munition dumps lobby doesn't have as much money to pour into the GOP coffers & Bush Family bank accounts as the oil industry.
While I am sure that the Editorial Board feels safer knowing the oil fields of Iraq are more secure than its munition dumps, I'm more worried about the explosives now on the loose because of the total incompetence of President Bush. We may be mid-stream, but we're headed over a waterfall. I say it's a good time to jump off & change horses.