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Sam Hollenshead - the "angle cut column" photographer

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » September 11 Donate to DU
jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-17-07 09:05 PM
Original message
Sam Hollenshead - the "angle cut column" photographer
Edited on Mon Sep-17-07 09:10 PM by jberryhill
In 2001, Sam Hollenshead was a staff photographer for Labor Research Associates.

For example, if you searcj the articles from the union site, you will find a lot of examples of his work.

Sam Hollenshead worked as a photographer from 2001-2003 documenting union labor throughout NYC. In 2004 his photographs of the rebuilding of subway infrastructure at the World Trade Center site were exhibited at the Museum of the City of New York.

After 9/11, he documented workers at the World Trade Center site clearing debris and rebuilding damaged subway lines. Images from this project were published in the New York Times Magazine and displayed at the Museum of the City of New York in a group show with Magnum photographer, Bruce Davidson and MacArthur fellowship recipient, Camillo Jose Vergara. A solo exhibition of his subway photographs is currently on display at the New York City Transit Museum until December 2006.

When historians sit down to write about September 11th and its aftermath, they will have to reserve a page of History for the workers at ground zero whose tireless efforts saved lives and helped New York City rebuild itself. Here is the story of workers at ground zero. Photography by Sam Hollenshead.

The fact that Mr. Hollenshead spent a lot of time documenting ironworkers renders it no surprise that many of his WTC photographs involve people working with torches.

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wildbilln864 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-17-07 09:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. good find!
thanks! :hi:
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-17-07 09:40 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

I've written to Mr. Hollenshead to ask whether he has more information about that photograph, or is even aware of how it is used by Richard Gage et al.
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wildbilln864 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-17-07 09:46 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. good deal then......
Edited on Mon Sep-17-07 09:48 PM by wildbilln864
please keep us posted if you will. :hi:
And maybe you can ask him about these pics as well?
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 09:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. He wrote back....

He's going to check his notes for more information about the photograph, but he has written back to me and said:

"i do recall that the photo of the firefighters was taken almost a month after 9/11 and the cut beam in the background was almost certainly cut by a worker, not the result of 'intentional demolition.'"
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wildbilln864 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 11:31 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. Hey thanks jb. n/t
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Bolo Boffin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 02:16 PM
Response to Reply #5
9. Great work, jberryhill. n/t
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Ezlivin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 01:39 PM
Response to Reply #2
8. How is it used by Richard Gage?
I'm a member of their forum and the angle cut has already been dismissed by a member as the result of a cut. I could not see where this is used on the site to support the theory of demolition.

Here's a link to an expanded version of the same member's discussion:

It contains a complete explanation of how and why the cut was done.

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CGowen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 07:21 PM
Response to Reply #8
13. here is a link
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 07:41 PM
Response to Reply #8
15. In every presentation he gives...
Edited on Tue Sep-18-07 07:43 PM by jberryhill
CGowen posted a link above to Gage's "Smoking Gun" slide of that column.

Do check the following slides as well.

Gage also includes the picture which shows the torch rig next to a set of columns, and he says that the picture shows how columns were cut simultaneously by explosives.

By the way, this information has been specifically brought to Gage's attention in the past.

Gage ignores it, continues to use this "Smoking Gun" picture, and continues to collect money for his appearances and products.

He is, quite simply, a dishonest asshole.

Please feel free direct his attorney's attention to my posting that, btw.

It is particularly interesting that, today, that "Smoking Gun" slide is still being distributed by Gage on the ae911truth site, while you claim it has been dismissed in the forum.

I guess there is a reason why Gage doesn't let non-members read his forum. What else of the things he says in the name of the organization have its own members debunked?

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quickesst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 05:35 AM
Response to Original message
4. I'm going to post this....
only because I have had an experience using thermal lances. The only observation I can make is that these lances contain several separate rods in a tube, ignited by a torch, and oxygen fed. In my experience tearing down a smelting furnace at the aluminum plant I worked at, the thermal rods simply blow out the metal displacing it. Although I did not try, I feel as though I could not have made a totally straight, even cut. There was no pinpoint control over the displaced metal. Given that this is my one and only experience with thermal rods, perhaps someone with more experience could accomplish the neat even cut with these. I know I couldn't, and I am/was a certified welder. Just an observation for conversation. Thanks.
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 09:52 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. Then debate it with these welders...
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quickesst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 04:58 PM
Response to Reply #6
10.  There is
in another thread using the slanted cut picture and a worker using a thermal lance to prove his assertion that the angle cut was made the same way. That's fact, and no disagreement from any other of the oct. I did not see any mention of a thermal lance in your link. What I did see were a bunch of posts that could have been lifted from this forum complete with insults and disdain for truthers, and placed there by the oct inhabiting this forum. Show me a pic of a column definately cut with a torch, one cut the same way with a thermal lance, and one cut with a thermate charge, and you may have something to work with. Otherwise? If you have no definitive argument concerning the actual point of my post, ie, thermal lance cuts, then you are wasting my time and yours as well. Nor did I indicate anywhere that my post was a challenge for debate. I posted information based upon my personal experience with a thermal lance. Perhaps the collective oct should debate each other, as it is obvious from your link, that you believe the cut was made with an acetylene torch, while some of your brethren, with pictures, have maintained the cut was made with a thermal lance. I won't debate or argue with you about the method the beam was cut, but I would suggest the oct tighten it up a bit so as to avoid coming across as a little wishy-washy. Anyway, sorry you didn't understand my statement. Thanks.
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 05:24 PM
Response to Reply #10
11. Misinterpretation is easy here
Edited on Tue Sep-18-07 05:37 PM by jberryhill
Others of the photographs show guys working with torches, and two hoses leading to the apparatus in question - one red and one green. I'll have to dig those out...
(I need the big version of this one:

But whether one person thinks it was a thermal lance and another thinks it was an oxy-acetylene torch is utterly beside the point that the same series of photographs shows iron workers with some sort of instrument for cutting metal, and not a single person has come forward with a "thermite cut column". In fact, the truthburn guys couldn't figure out how to do it with months of preparation and fanfare.
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quickesst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 07:15 PM
Response to Reply #11
12. Look....
I'm an observer here for the most part. The only time I engage is when there is a contribution I may make to the debate. All I see is the guy with the thermal lance, and the cut angle, in this thread, postitioned where it leads to a connection to the two. The other thread I mentioned expressly stated that this was the method. Something about truthers using the angle cut photo, when there is pictorial evidence of a worker doing the same cut with a thermal lance. Any other meaning to the post would mean dishonesty in the statements by directly comparing the two. I completely understand that there will be cutting torches in use, but so far I have seen pictures of workers cutting steel, and a photo of a finished angle cut. I am not arguing the method, but the comparison. When I address the oct, it is as one entity. I do this because of the support for the official story, and in my opinion, there can be only one "official story". If there is more than one official story, that would indicate deciet on the part of someone in this government. This would be considered criminal, but alas, I see no indication of any support for a new investigation based on gross incompetence, and lying to the American people by the oct here, or anywhere else, with the exception of a side remark on occasion. The coming generations will be taught the history of medals, promotions, and zero disciplinary action. The "Heroes of 9/11" if you will. I would prefer they learn the truth about 9/11, whether incompetence, mihop, or lihop, what it lead to, and how very close these people took the world to armageddon, and may still. Maybe the next generation will be smart enough not to repeat it. Thanks for listening. I believe I will retreat to my observation post now.
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 07:37 PM
Response to Reply #12
14. Okay....

Did you see this guy here:

Since it is a photo by Sam Hollenshead of a guy making an angle cut taken in the same series as the one of the finished angle cut.

I'm curious about the yellow tinge to the smoke.

I have utterly no idea myself, but is there a cutting tool that would be more or less likely to produce that color smoke, among the candidate cutting instruments mentioned thus far?

It does appear that a variety of instruments were used, and Mr. Hollenshead, who spent a lot of time with iron workers taking these and other photographs for Labor Resource Associates, is putting together a more complete set of notes on all of the photos under discussion.
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quickesst Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 08:41 PM
Response to Reply #14
16. I do see....
what appears to be an angle cut beneath the veneer. Maybe the same one as the other thread contained. I simply missed it. Apologies. What I would like to see is a close up of that cut. What I found curious is the still in a video I've viewed(9/11 Mysteries I believe) showing the cut angle along with a demolitions worker rigging a column with explosives that match the same angle as the beam in the photo. I would be curious to see a picture of the beam being rigged, after demolition. One of those photos, the one being passed around, and one cut with the same method as the above photo. I am assuming it is a thermal lance, as the torch is hanging to one side, off the basket, and there appears to be two unused thermal lances standing upright in the basket. Maybe I'm completely wrong about this, and maybe those guys are really good with those lances. The occasion I talked about before was my one and only experience with a thermal lance, and they were metal eaters. Just slabs of steel with large amounts, globs, of slag was left, but in all honesty, they may, or may not, have been rather old at the time. There is also the possibility of improved construction of the thermal lance since I was employed as a welder. In construction now(drywall and metal stud framing) with not much call for welding on our part. I am basing my opinion on an experience that happened ten years ago. Thanks for the input, and apologies if I don't respond quickly, or at all. Between work, family, and my mistress(Dodge Ram SS/T), I don't have time to do justice to any extended conversation. Thanks again.
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-18-07 09:02 PM
Response to Reply #16
17. Ah, yes, I know the photo you mean...
Edited on Tue Sep-18-07 09:13 PM by jberryhill
...of the demolition worker. Those shaped linear charges make a very clean cut and don't blow slag. The metal is literally cut in an instant by the blast wave, not melted by a deliberate process. The guy over at Implosion World gave me the name of the guy in the picture you mention a while back, which I posted in an ancient thread here.

As far as a closeup goes....

Now in one of the threads over at the welding forum, someone suggested that, when cutting a box beam, it is preferable to make a hole, insert the tool, and cut from the inside-out, so that you know you are cutting all of the way through.

But have a look at this 14 second video of an LSC cutting a piece of steel, and the look of the cut it makes:

That's the thing you see positioned at an angle in the photograph you are talking about.

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CGowen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-19-07 07:43 AM
Response to Reply #17
18. Gage is arguing for thermite because of the slag.

The thick previously molten slag in this photo is proof of a cutting charge used in controlled demolition such as Thermite

If you compare your photo with the op photo and use a ruler you'll notice that there is a bend in the middle , which I can't see in the op photo.

Also the video shows a LSC which uses something like RDX (explosive), as far as I know that's not thermite.
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jberryhill Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-19-07 08:10 AM
Response to Reply #18
19. No, Gage is babbling nonsense

Show me what a vertical column, cut by one of these thermite cutter charges looks like. Show me how that blows slag "into" a box column on some sides and "out of" the same column on others.

I showed an LSC because of all of the CT videos and websites that SHOW the angled mounting of LSC's in controlled demolition.

You know why NO CT videos or websites show angled, or any other, mounting of "thermite cutter charges" on a column anywhere, by any demolition crew? Because no such things are used in CD, which is a straight-forward bald-assed lie also stated by Gage in the quote you cite.

See the torch? See the slag?

You might as well say that the column was cut by "magic pixie fairies" because of the slag. Magic pixie fairies produce a cut that looks much more like the famous angle-cut column, and you can't prove otherwise. But we do know to a certainty that torch cuts produce slag.

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