From Wiki: the late 1920s Lysol disinfectant began being marketed by maker Lysol, Incorporated and distributor Lehn & Fink, Inc. as a feminine hygiene product. They intimated that vaginal douching with a Lysol solution prevented infections and vaginal odor, and thereby preserved marital gladness. This Lysol solution was also used as a birth control agent, as post-coital douching was a popular method of preventing pregnancy at that time. The use of Lysol was later discouraged by the medical community as it tended to eliminate the bacteria normal to the healthy vagina, thus allowing more robust, health-threatening bacteria to thrive, and may have masked more serious problems that certain odors indicated in the first place.
In the US, from around 1930 to 1960, vaginal douching with a Lysol disinfectant solution was the most popular form of birth control. US marketing ads printed testimonials from European "doctors" touting its safety and effectiveness. The American Medical Association later investigated these claims. They were unable to locate the cited "experts" and found that Lysol was not effective as a contraceptive.
Poisoning by this chemical is possible by absorption, inhalation, or ingestion in large quantities. It has been speculated that this chemical may be carcinogenic, though results are currently under debate. Practice standard safety measures when dealing with this product. Limit exposure by inhailation, ingestion, or absorbtion. Household versions of this chemical, however, are often dilluted and the risk is far lower than with concentrates, but it can still pose a danger if used improperly. Use only in a well ventilated area in accordance with the directions. If poisioning has occurred, contact your local poison control office and seek immediate medical attention. This chemical should not replace the use of soap and water and some bacterial resistance may occur with over-use of this product.
Versions of some chemicals related to this product were once used as antiseptics, etc., on humans, however, this is no longer considered safe. Do not clean wounds with this product as it is poisonous.