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Europe’s Banks Found Safety of Bonds a Costly Illusion.

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elleng Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 12:44 PM
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Europe’s Banks Found Safety of Bonds a Costly Illusion.
As the bets that European banks made on United States mortgage investments went bust a few years ago, bankers piled into what they saw as a safe refuge: bonds issued by countries in Europe’s seemingly ironclad monetary union.

Now, the political and financial crisis engulfing the Continent has turned much of that European sovereign debt into the latest distressed asset, sending tremors through global financial markets not seen since the demise of the investment bank Lehman Brothers more than three years ago. . .

“When people started buying more European sovereign debt, there was not a cloud in the sky,” said Yannis Stournaras, director of the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research, based in Athens. Now, he said, “This crisis is going to last because the perceptions of risk have changed dramatically.”

European banks face tens and possibly hundreds of billions of dollars in losses on loans to nations that use the euro. Worried about even greater losses if the crisis worsens, the banks have been scrambling to reduce their holdings of an investment that, like triple-A-rated subprime mortgage bonds, was once thought to be bulletproof.

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PoliticAverse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 12:46 PM
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1. At a certain point you have to come to the realization the people running things don't know...
what they are doing.
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elleng Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 12:54 PM
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2. Right, that's why I posted this, so at least some of US could learn somethings.
'How European sovereign debt became the new subprime is a story with many culprits, including governments that borrowed beyond their means, regulators who permitted banks to treat the bonds as risk-free and investors who for too long did not make much of a distinction between the bonds of troubled economies like Greece and Italy and those issued by the rock-solid Germany.

Banks had further incentive to overlook the perils of individual euro zone countries because of the fees they earned for underwriting sovereign debt sold to other investors. Since 2005, several dozen banks in Europe and the United States have earned $1.1 billion in fees from selling bonds for European governments, according to Thomson Reuters and Freeman Consulting Services.

Like other investors, banks clung for a long time to the seemingly inviolable belief that all the countries using the euro would make good on their debts.'
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