Did the sun not come up this morning?
Are there no leaves turning beautiful colors in your neighborhood?
Did you not see anyone to smile at today-- to exchange a smile with?
Is there no music for you to listen to?
You tell me that bad things are happening-- so true. Yet... bad things are always happening. Bad things happen to everyone every day. But good things also happen to everyone every day.
What does anger do to change the things that need changing?
By itself, nothing.
Anger raises your blood pressure.
Anger releases stress hormones in your brain and in your body, and those stress hormones make you feel worse.
Anger is hard to be around, unless you are angry yourself. So, when you're so angry, all you'll attract is other angry people. You'll feed each others' anger and it will grow until you hurt inside and believe terrible things about the world, about the future, about other people.
You're not smart when you're angry.
You make bad decisions when you're angry.
Making bad decisions and doing things that are not smart will make you more angry, and more unhappy.
There is much to be angry about.
People do bad things, people do stupid things, people do mean things. People lie and cheat and steal and exploit other people and dehumanize them.
Sometimes-- maybe a lot of the time-- people do those bad things because...
...they are angry.
Do you want to change the world?
Then let go of your anger.
People will always be different than you.
They will believe different things, they will believe things you know are wrong. They'll do bad things and stupid things and mean things and things that hurt you and other people, innocent people and helpless people.
You can be angry about it.
Or you can let go of your anger and look for ways to make change happen in YOUR life, in YOUR world, among the people around YOU.
Getting angry at other people rarely makes them change in positive ways. It usually makes them avoid you, or get angry at you.
Let go of your anger.
Something good happened to you today. I just know it.
Maybe someone smiled at you.
Maybe you heard a lovely melody.
Maybe you saw gorgeous colors in the sky as the sun set.
Maybe you tasted something that was delicious.
Maybe you felt warm and comfortable for a while.
Maybe, just maybe, if you try, you can feel hopeful about something. A little thing. Hopeful that something nice might happen to someone you care about. Hopeful that you'll find something to laugh at--and someone to laugh WITH--tomorrow.
Let go of your anger. You can't control what other people will do. Your anger won't change it.
Your anger will only add to the sum total of anger in the world, and the larger that sum total, the harder it is to make positive change.
Positive change comes from positive people.
Don't stop fighting. Change needs to be made.
But be a happy warrior.
Smile at someone who disagrees with you, and let the disagreement go. Just smile at them and be glad that they're human and alive and someone loves them even if it can't be you. They might surprise you someday.
Don't compromise your principles.
Don't stop standing up for what is right.
But do it with joyful purpose. Find the joy and use it.
It is there, I promise you. If you look.
There will be a beautiful sunrise somewhere tomorrow. Maybe where you are. And you're alive to see it.
Maybe the beautiful sunrise will happen, not where you are, but where someone you care about is. And they are alive to see it.
Is this not cause for joy?
Let go of your anger.
Breathe deep.
Sleep well.
I love you.
I do, you know.
I don't always agree with you.
Sometimes I get angry at you, too.
But I'm learning, slowly, to be glad I am alive. And to be glad that you are alive.
And to try to love you, always.
There are as many reasons to be joyful as there are to be angry, if you look.
Small reasons, sometimes. Reasons that might seem insignificant against the injustice and cruelty we practice upon each other, every day.
Nevertheless, there are reasons to be joyful. Let go of your anger, just for a day or two. Let the anger melt out of your body, relax. Move freely. Dance a little. Fling yourself around like a giddy fool. Pay attention to how you feel, without anger. Pay attention to how you feel, taking pleasure in a small thing, and letting it fill your world for a few moments.
It's a good feeling.
Give it a try.
diffidently, Bright