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Yet Another Theft Of Voter Data From A Local Democratic Party HQ

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Mister Ed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-11-06 10:12 PM
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Yet Another Theft Of Voter Data From A Local Democratic Party HQ
Same MO as other burglaries at Democratic party offices in Florida, Ohio, and elsewhere these last few years. The burglars ignore valuables and take the voter data. Guess they gotta keep their voter purging lists up-to-date. This one's from the Fort Myers, FL News-Press (

Lee County's Democratic headquarters had its second break-in in almost as many years this week.

Thieves ignored computer equipment and other valuables, and took the party's financial records and voter data, said Lyndia Bradley, Lee County's Democratic chairwoman.

"This was a very targeted, purposeful break-in," she said Wednesday. "They were obviously interested in certain things, not things you sell on the street for money."


The party's headquarters had a similar break-in shortly before the 2004 elections... Thieves vandalized the office and stole records and computers in that incident.

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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-11-06 10:22 PM
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1. I have to ask the obvious. WHY in the world are they leaving financial
records and voter data unsecured? I can accept the first burglary as naivety, but once burned, they should damn well know better! Buy a safe, take it home, or something!

I guess I really do have to question their ability on security!
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mod mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-12-06 03:41 PM
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2. On the break-ins in Ohio:
Alarm wasn't wasn't tripped in Lucas, and they went through an open window at ODP. Hmmmh...Sounds like the Dems are protecting sensitive data:

Lucas County Democratic headquarters burglarized

A Toledo police officer leaves the scene of a burglary at Democratic Headquarters in Toledo today.

The Lucas County Democratic Headquarters was burglarized overnight, and three computers, including the party’s main system, were stolen.
The computers contained highly sensitive information, including the party’s financial information, names and personal phone numbers of hundreds of party members, candidates, and volunteers.
The computers also stored e-mails from candidates that included discussion about campaign strategy.

A second computer, belonging to an attorney-volunteer working to ensure voters’ rights, also was taken, officials said. The headquarters on 1817 Madison Avenue does have an alarm system that volunteers believed they set late Monday when they left.
However, it apparently wasn’t tripped during the night. Workers arriving about 7:30 a.m. yesterday noticed the back window had been shattered and called police.

Article published Saturday, July 2, 2005

Ohio Democrats victims of break-in
Thieves grab computer from party headquaters in Columbus


COLUMBUS — Thieves targeted the Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters this week, stealing a computer and a high-tech communications gadget belonging to party chairman Denny White.

Police said yesterday one or more burglars appeared to have climbed a wall Monday and crawled through an unlocked second-story window overnight at the party headquarters about three blocks from the Statehouse.

The break-in occurs at a time when the Ohio Republican Party is threatened by one of the largest scandals to hit the state’s government in decades.

Some Democrats also say the break-in is eerily similar to a burglary at the Lucas County Democratic Party Headquarters last fall, in which three computers were stolen.
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yourout Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-12-06 04:19 PM
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3. I think a little setup is in order.
A dem HQ with phoney voter lists that have Pukes on them that were easy to steal might do the trick.
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