Diebold Capitulates in Alaska...Sorta
Waives 'Proprietary Rights' to Public Voting Data Files...Though Reserves the Right to 'Manipulate the Data' Before Release!
PLUS: CEO Swidarski Works the AP PR Rope Line and Suggest Diebold's Election Division May Be For Sale, as Both AP and 'USA Today' Get the Story Wrong -- Again -- in Their Continue Efforts on Behalf of America's Electronic Voting Machine Companies...
Good news (perhaps) regarding our previous story on Diebold's refusal to allow the voters of Alaska to look at their own voting data since the Electronic Voting Machine vendor claimed the file format of their GEMS tabulation software was a "company secret" in their contract with the state.
The company has now "agreed to waive its proprietary rights to the GEMS database files," but -- and there's always a big but with Diebold -- they reserve the right to "manipulate the data" before it's released to the public!
Yes, those are the actual words in a letter from Alaska election officials.
In other troubling related news, AP and USA Today go to bat for the Electronic Voting Machine Industry and, as usual, get the story completely wrong...
http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00002385.htmPlease kick this in GD Politics so more people see it: