FBI seizes ballots in close '04 legislative race
Casey Newton
The Arizona Republic
Feb. 1, 2006
Federal authorities seized ballots cast in a 2004 Republican primary on Wednesday, a move that could put to rest a long-running dispute over who won the race.
FBI agents met with staff members from the Maricopa County Treasurer's Office in the afternoon to take control over the ballots, which have been stored in a secure air-conditioned facility near Sky Harbor International Airport.
At issue is the outcome of the close race between John McComish and Anton Orlich. McComish prevailed after an automatic recount found nearly 500 new votes, reversing the initial outcome.
Ever since, Orlich and his supporters have questioned how so many new votes appeared during the recount. After reviewing the voting machines used in the election, Douglas Jones, a University of Iowa computer scientist, said he could not rule out the possibility of fraud unless he examined the ballots to determine whether there had been tampering.
FBI Subpoenas Ballots from Contentious 2004 Arizona Republican Primary Election!
Expert Report Said Tabulating Machines Were 'Improperly Calibrated', But Only Examination of Ballots Can Explain Mysterious Appearance of 439 Ballots During Recount of LD20 Race!
Guest Blogged by John Gideon
As we reported in January the Maricopa County, AZ elections officials and county attorney have done all they can do to keep anyone from looking at the ballots from the Nov. 2004 District 20 race. As you may recall, the matter came into question after a recount in a Republican Primary race revealed 439 ballots magically appearing and which resulted in the final results of the election being changed. The county has even gone to the lengths of refusing subpoenas from a State Senate committee to provide the ballots, even after an expert was brought in to examine the voting machinery and found the optical scan counters completely out of calibration. The expert said that examination of the ballots was the only way to determine what had actually happened.
Today The Arizona Republic announced that the FBI has now stepped in and provided a court ordered subpoena for those ballots.