January 22, 2006
Stop the Lies, Fight the Fix: Don't Let Them Hide the Bodies
by Kat L'Estrange
January 23, 2006
As well, leading progressive voices (e.g., Michael Moore, Arianna Huffington, Moveon.org, The Nation, Mother Jones, Salon, and others) refuse to acknowledge that the Democratic candidate actually won the presidency in the 2004 election. Americans have grown accustomed to the lies perpetrated by the media on behalf of the Bush administration, but it's tough to accept denial from those on the left who appear otherwise dialed in. One can only assume an anti-Bush environment is more profitable for them. A few notable exceptions include Mark Crispin Miller, Bob Fitrakis and Greg Palast, all of whom continue to be ridiculed for exposing the truth about rigged elections and voter suppression.
Just as BushCo will stop at nothing now because they have the elections ‘in the bag,’ the Democrats don't have to put forth much effort to challenge them because they know voters have no other viable option. Democratic leadership can sit back and wait it out until power in all its glory is once again bestowed upon them. This is where two-party politics and corporate representation in Congress have taken American democracy.
The truth is voters turned out in record numbers in 2004 to remove the Republican candidate from power, and they succeeded. Had not voting machines been rigged to favor Bush over his opponents, or had not a disproportionate number of Democratic, mainly urban voters been disenfranchised, the outcome of the election would have reflected the true intent and will of the majority of Americans. Kerry did win. The proof is in the numbers. It took former President Jimmy Carter five years to acknowledge that Al Gore was the candidate of the people in Florida in the 2000 election. Evidently, a widely held belief that in America the people’s choice on Election Day is what matters is nothing more than a myth.