Suggestion: Don't be defensive about "conspiracy" and don't put it up front in your argument. Leave that for the end, as an off-hand, minor point, even a joke--that anyone, given these facts, could dismiss it as tinfoil. START with the election SYSTEM. SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code recording votes and running the vote tabulation, in extremely insecure, hackable computers, owned and controlled by rightwing Bushite corporations (mainly Diebold and ES&S).
Non-transparent, unverifiable elections are tyranny. Period. No other democracy in the world would permit this.
How did this happen? $4 billion boondoggle for electronic voting companies, appropriated by Bush's "pod people" in Congress. Tom Delay blockading even a meager "paper trail" requirement for electronic voting systems (let alone real auditing and recounts with paper ballots). Corruption. Lavish lobbying. "Revolving door" employment. Democratic election officials ALSO sucked in. Example: A week of fun, sun and high ending shopping for election officials from around the country, at the Beverly Hilton this August, sponsored by Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia. HAVA was supposed to reform elections, after the mess of 2000 with the hanging chads. Bush's Congress took the opportunity not to reform our election system but to completely CORRUPT it, by quickly converting it to electronics run by big Bushite corporations, with no ban on "trade secret" vote tabulation, no "paper trail" requirement (thus making recounts and audits impossible), few or no controls on performance and security, no ban on private company access to voting data and the innards of the machines (through internal modems and servicing "requirements"), with the "Wizard of OZ" gobble-de-gook of electronics thrown at woefully unprepared election officials and voters around the country ("Don't look at the man behind the curtain!"), and billions of dollars to be had for the taking, in exchange for expensive lemon machines that routinely break down and can't be audited, as well as expensive, long term serving contracts that compound the problems of security and transparency.
Think Halliburton, and you will understand what our election system has become: an unaccountable boondoggle for friends of the Bush Cartel.
Now ask yourself--given what we know about Bush Cartel corruption of our government--whether or not these friends of Bush (a Bush-Cheney campaign chair, head of Diebold, and the far rightwing funders of ES&S) would USE their SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code with no audit trail to keep Bush in office against the will of the people?
It's a no brainer.
Other issues, objections, illusions, delusions and tinfoil accusations that need to be addressed:
START with the FACTS about the election SYSTEM. Non-transparent, unverifiable, controlled by Bushites.
No objector can get past those facts.
Two Bushite corporations counted 80% of the vote in 2004, and there is no way to audit the result that they came up with.
The end result that they came up with, using their SECRET formulae (Bush won) is the ONLY evidence that Bush won. All other evidence points to a Kerry win (and a rather big one).
Objection #1:
Wouldn't the war profiteering corporate news monopolies expose any such a conspiracy?
No, they wouldn't. In FACT the TV networks acted in concert to HIDE EVIDENCE OF A KERRY WIN, their own national and state exit polls, which they DOCTORED on election night to FIT the results of Diebold's and ES&S's secret formulae, thus DEPRIVING the American people of major evidence of election fraud, and squelching protests and calls for investigation.
Have these news monopolies told you the truth about the Iraq war, or anything else? No, they haven't. But whether or not you would believe that they would change numbers and doctor election data, the fact is that they DID.
They also failed to apprise the public of this fast conversion to electronic voting, with no auditing controls, nor of Bushite control of the vote count behind the closed door of "trade secret" computer code.
They have abdicated their responsibilities as journalists from Day One of this regime. Their fiddling of the exit polls is just the grand capper of their crimes against the truth.
Objection #2:
Wouldn't the war profiteering corporate Democrats--who themselves are now dependent on Diebold and ES&S for "selection," and who are now beholden to extremely powerful election officials around the country who have sold out our right to vote for lavish lobbying junkets or future job offers--object to partisan Republican control of the vote tabulation?
Are the Democrats insane?
No, they are corrupt, scared or lacking in computer skills.
Some don't have a clue any more--along with the voters--how our votes are being counted. They take the party line (or the party line is enforced upon them) that Bushite corporations controlling the vote tabulation shouldn't even be looked at, let alone exposed and descried.
Others--probably the bulk of them--know damned well what's going down, and have become cynical, corrupt power players, or have made compromises involving weakness and fear (trying to remain positioned in government to do some good, so they shut up about things they can't change--like the corruption of other Democrats on electronic voting).
These are your "deer in the headlights" Democrats: Ask them about secret, proprietary programming code, and they react as if they've never heard of the words "trade secret," "voting," "transparency" and "elections."
(--and personally I've become very suspicious of this reaction, given the spread of knowledge about the perils of electronic voting; it's their JOB to get votes, and they DON'T KNOW how the votes are counted, or by whom?!) (--the word "insouciance" comes to mind, or the image of a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar--"who me?", "WHAT cookie jar?").
Many Democratic leaders voted for the war, and continue to vote for billion and billions of unaccountable taxpayer dollars to Halliburton and other criminal corporations. Many Democratic leaders voted for the Patriot Act, the bankruptcy bill and torture memo writer Alberto Gonzales as chief law enforcement office of the U.S. Many Democratic leaders have NEVER OBJECTED to illegal war or torture.
How much evidence do we need that many Democratic leaders no longer believe in democracy?
But whether or not you would believe that the Democrats would let Bushite corporations gain control over the tabulation of our votes, without one word of objection, the fact is that's what they DID.
Objection #3: It's just a conspiracy theory.
A conspiracy theory--like, say, the theory of evolution--is an attempt to assemble verifiable facts into an overall picture or narrative of some phenomenon, in order to understand that assemblage of facts and their possible inter-relationships, and to make informed, rational guesses concerning where else to look for information, and what may happen in the future.
In this case, the facts pointing to a conspiracy are compelling, beginning with the FACT of a non-transparent, unverifiable election SYSTEM, controlled by Bushites with "trade secret," proprietary programming code.
The FACT is that the Democratic leadership raised no objection to this egregious violation of the basis of democracy: honest elections.
The FACT is that Bushites stole a previous election.
The FACT is that a Bushite Congress appropriated $4 billion dollars for a new electronic voting system with no auditing or quality controls.
The FACT is that both Democratic and Republican state election officials signed contracts with Bushite corporations that included "trade secret" tabulation of our votes, and proceeded to purchase unreliable, insecure, hackable "lemon" voting systems all over the country.
The FACT is that the news monopolies utterly failed to inform the public about the non-transparency of this voting SYSTEM, and actually hacked their own exit polls to HIDE evidence that the result of this non-transparent election system was WRONG.
The FACT is that it takes only one hacker, and a couple of minutes, leaving no trace, to manufacture or switch tens of thousands of votes in a central electronic vote tabulator--at the speed of light, unseeable by human eyes--and no state election rules anywhere in the country could have caught it. The auditing and recount rules do not work! That is a FACT.
And the FACT is that there is extensive external evidence that Bush did not win--a case for fraud that likely cannot be "proven" in a court of law for the very reason that the perps eliminated direct evidence beforehand--ARRANGED FOR there to be no direct evidence (lobbied against a "paper trail; unfairly prevented a "paper trail" requirement from ever getting out of committee; put no controls on partisan companies or "trade secrets" or lavish lobbying, etc.).
There are many, many more such facts to consider. And when you assemble them and think about them, it is simply UNINTELLIGENT not to begin forming a theory of how the election was stolen, and it is STUPID to dismiss the likely conspiratorial aspects of it out of hand.
We have a country that was dragged into war against its will and that opposes EVERY major Bush policy, foreign and domestic, way up in the 60% to 70% range, across the board in all issue and approval polls, and has done so for well over a year. You name it. The Iraq war. Torture policy. Social Security. The deficit. Women's rights. The great majority of Americans disagree with virtually EVERYTHING Bush stands for.
Is it so crazy to think that powerful corporate war profiteers and their political allies would seek to create a non-transparent election system that THEY control with secret programming, in order to thwart the will of that progressive and peace-minded American majority?
Given the FACTS, it is stupid--and even laughable--NOT to theorize a conspiracy and investigate the matter accordingly!
Anyway, Time for Change, I would put the "conspiracy" stupidity at the end of your argument, not at the beginning. Begin with the FACTS. The mere mention of "conspiracy theory" shuts peoples' brains down. Even those who might hear a "conspiracy theory" out often feel so helpless, disempowered and DISENFRANCHISED, that they don't know what to do. (What do you want them to do? Riot in the streets?) Stick to the facts. Respond to common objections ("The Democrats wouldn't let them get away with that, would they?"). And provide a practical course of action. (For instance, pressure on state/local election officials for the bottom line of democracy: transparent elections. Paper ballot backup. No secret programming code. Etc.)
Two excellent info sites to give out:
For info on the perils of electronic voting and what to do about it (simple, clear), the "Myth Breakers" pamphlet at
http://www.votersunite.orgFor ACTION--a plan to monitor '06-'08 elections by Ph.D. statistics experts, who need help and donations, at