Edited on Sun Jun-19-05 10:45 AM by Klimmer
5) I asked during his talk did he send John Kerry a signed copy, and why did John Kerry not fight?
Yes he did send John Kerry a copy and he is having copies sent to all of Congress.
The answer to the next part of the question was hard for me to hear and take. But I asked it --- I wanted to know. I'll be honest, I am a Kerry loyalist and apologist no doubt. But here it is . . .
John Kerry's top lawyer for advice in Ohio works for a firm that is owned and operated by Bush loyalists (I don't think he really knew that. If he did then that was very foolish). He did not get good advice. He was told that the little amount of election fraud that probably occurred would not be enough to make a difference. Bob said he believes JK did not want to win the Presidency only by electoral college and lose by popular vote. He also wanted to keep his options open for running in 2008. He did not want an ugly drawn-out fight that no doubt would have occurred, and at the time if you recall the Bush Admin stepped up the war effort in Iraq. No doubt on purpose to pressure Kerry to give it a rest. We all knew what the response would have been --- "We have a war going on, how can you act this way and be a sore loser. We have to support the troops now so get over it."
Bob Fitrakis did eventually talk to John Kerry at length over the phone and tell him everything he knew at that time (which was a lot of evidence proving fraud and a stolen election). He said John listened to everything not saying a word, and then eventually said something about the fraud in NM and how it was very evident, since where ever computers were used to vote by touch screen, John lost, but wherever they cast their ballots by hand John did very well. From what Bob said I don't know how that phone call ended, but I got the impression that JK just wasn't going to fight it.
And Bob also mentioned what Teresa Heinz Kerry said regarding election fraud changing votes via the central tabulator as reported in a newspaper and interview. So we know they know. But what are they going to do about it?
One thing that Bob F. admits to (and this is a very big hurdle to jump) is that the SOS Blackwell, the Republican party of Ohio, the State Troopers, and the courts in Ohio are all in bed together. All the courts are very partisan and stacked, and they couldn't get a fair trail. All four of the lawyers fighting in Ohio were being personally sued, and being threatened by the prospect of losing their law licenses. Bob admitted he could do just fine since he is a college professor and not dependent on law as his career, however the others were, so when it came time to sign legal documents, to safe guard the others Bob F. was signing them. They don't play fair. They will do anything to win. So that is how the book came about. Fine you don't want us to fight you in a court of law, we will publish the evidence and fight you in a court of public opinion and history will judge you. By the way the investigations are on going, they now have an office, and they are pushing ahead. There is still so much work to do.
One thing Bob said is that at some point Jesse Jackson told John Kerry directly, if you do not fight for all the votes then you will not be a viable candidate for 2008.
Bob F. reaffirmed that statement and position and the small audience cheered and clapped. I didn't. However, I realized right then in a big way that many are very upset with JK about throwing in the towel early.
I am more forgiving. But I do know now, that at some point soon John Kerry is going to have to apologize to the country and admit he was wrong for not fighting back. The bible on election fraud is now published and everyone who wants to know the truth will read it and know GW Bush is not the President but a fraud (2X over).
6) Bush and Carl Rove did indeed fly to Ohio together the day before the election or on the day of the election. I can't remember exactly what day Bob said.
7) On edit, Bob said that he has a eye-witness on record that witnessed Blackwell figuring out and doing calculations on paper near the end of the day the percentages that Kerry was ahead by, and where, throughout the state.
8) He also said the exit polls were correct showing Kerry ahead. And one of the tell-tale signs (historically) of election fraud is to have the computers tallying the exit poll data go down. Sure enough that is what happened, and the next thing we witnessed was Bush was ahead.
I believe the DSMinutes is a major opportunity to expose to the world how corrupt the Bush Administration and Bush Crime Family really is. If Conyers can prove during his visit to England the authenticity of all the minutes and memos that are being leaked, then we have them and impeachment process for the entire administration should begin immediately. In a fair court of law all of the election fraud can then be brought to justice, and if that can be brought to justice, then the truth about 9-11 can also be exposed and brought to justice. I believe one day this dark period of history will one day vanish from the face of the Earth, and this Fascist Radical Right Wing Neo-con Rethug movement we are suffering under will be vilified and be extinguished and anyone remotely involved will be exposed and removed. The movement will be bombed and destroyed and sent back to the stone-age and just like the Nazi-movement in Germany, we will all be the wiser and we should never ever let this happen again. I believe truth and justice will prevail, but there is a great battle ahead and a scorching fire we have to go through first.
John Kerry, admit you were wrong, apologize to the world for not fighting election fraud.
Now with DSMinutes --- you were lied to, congress was lied to, and we were lied to. Come out fighting when these Memos are authenticated. It is time to turn the Swift boat to the shore and charge!
:mad: Let's go get them!