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OCCUPY DU2 GENERAL ASSEMBLY -- Holiday Edition!!! [View All]

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Leopolds Ghost Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-24-11 03:02 PM
Original message
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1. CHECK-IN ("down with the shippers", please post off-thread links to your "dear DU" posts!)

2. Goals of Occupy GD2.

2. a. possible options - no discussion at last week's thread

2. b. fallback options - no discussion at last week's thread

3. DU3 Group / report-back - awaiting report back from Cronus?

4. Communications between popular sites for (DU-friendly) DU refugees

#. Your item here (ADD ITEM IN REPLY TO OP if not relevant to above)

99. Chat!

META guidelines: (ignore if you've already seen this)

* +1 = Twinkles, and vice versa.

* Kick = use this to bump the thread as a whole. Hopefully not necessary if it gets going...

* Each AGENDA Item (including your own items) should be posted as a reply to this OP.

- (ITEM #1, ITEM #2, etc.)

* Discussion on each agenda item can then take place as a subthread, in reply to that item #.

* Please do not post check-in or leaving threads ("I'm a DUer, what is this?") in reply to the OP.

* Please DO post them in reply to "ITEM #1: Check-in" instead!

* No concrete ideas and proposals in the OP, post them as an agenda item.

* Concrete ideas or proposals that are long and detailed, opinion pieces on the
- state of DU, etc. -- should consist of a link to a separate post entitled (e.g.)
- MIC CHECK. -- That will allow the discussion on this thread to flow.

* Check-in posts that contain a farewell message should contain a link to a separate post, for ease of looking.

We'll see how well this system works.
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