by joelgp
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. There is a crisis in the Tea Party! I took a late night scroll around Foxnation, Redstate and Hotair and people, these conservatives are going nuts over what is now affectionately called "Boehner's Cave."
These people were seriously expecting 100 billion in cuts, the defunding of Planned Parenthood, Obamacare and the EPA or a complete shutdown. Now in full disclosure, I contributed just a little to their meltdown with several "well timely" posts like these:
1. "breaking news: the gop caved on planned parenthood, caved on destroying the EPA, and fully funded obamacare. okay? what's next?"
2. "i cannot believe the tea party is rolling over and fully funding obamacare and planned parenthood. dang, we should have thrown in the dream act and cap-n-trade if we knew they would wimp out so easily. oh well...governing is hard."
Okay, okay, I'm sorry--people, it was fun.
Needless to say, the screaming was loud, sustained and furious. Check out the whaling and gnashing of teeth over on Hotair:
1. "The Republicans LOST a warmup game – and lost it big. There is NO reason to believe they’ll show any better in the upcoming fights on the debt ceiling and the 2012 budget. Sorry – if they couldn’t cut $100B as they promised – which is only two weeks worth of deficit out of this budget – they don’t have the nuts to win any bigger fight."
2. "If anyone thinks that the Ryan plan has any chance of seeing the light of day, I want some of what you’re smoking. If you can’t win in this small battle how are you going to win in the bigger war. Major, epic, fail."
3. "$39 B in cuts? If that buys more than 4 days of “business as usual,” it is an incredibly bad deal: so bad, that Boehner MUST GO!!!"
4. "Well, first I heard defunding NPR was a minor battle, the BIG battle was the cuts in the CR! Then I heard the CR was a minor battle, the BIG battle was the budget for the year! Now it’s the Ryan budget? Give me a break…when you practice over and over how to cave, the only thing you are good at is caving." And then there's the "special people" at Foxnation:
1. "As Speaker of the House, John Boehner is acting like a junior member of congress. Speaker Boehner, haven't you heard the latest news? Obama and George Soros want to push the new Tea Party members out of congress and replace them with radical leftwing members. The tax dollars you just surrendered to Obama's campaign chest last night will help he do just that. Why are you helping Obama elect liberals to replace conservatives???"
2. "Bohner quite the negotiator for the dems He was asked to cut 100 billion and agreed to that, then it became 61 billion. final product 38.5 billion the dems # with funding for planned parenthood still in place, We need change folks." And then there's the "friends of CNN" at Redstate:
1. "So they hold a vote about PP funding and Obamacare on the Senate floor and it goes down to defeat, and the GOP claims that it has kept its agreement with the voters. I guess they really do think we’re idiots."
2. "Now they can’t hide from their votes and will have to defend their votes for supporting a baby-killing machine and the fiscal nightmare known as Obamacare." more