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Videos from my appearance on Fox News' Cashin In this morning [View All]

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stevenleser Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-24-10 06:51 PM
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Videos from my appearance on Fox News' Cashin In this morning
Advertisements [?] - First of three videos from my appearance this morning. This one discusses Steve Wynn who has said that the Obama administration's policies are anti job and thus he considering moving the corporate headquarters of Wynn Resorts overseas to Macau, China. Steve Leser debates the Cashin In crew on whether Wynn's opinion on the administration's job creation policies is accurate. (No, it isnt. Thanks to Jefferson Dem for arming me with a great talking point on this) - Second of three videos from my appearance this morning on Fox News. I debate with the Cashin In crew regarding whether the proposed congressional legislation limiting the price of health insurance premiums constitutes a government takeover of health care. (of course not) - Third of three videos from my Cashin In appearance this morning on Fox News. Al Gore has become involved with a children's website that promotes responsible energy conservation. Is he brainwashing the children or is this a good way to help the US wean itself off of dependency on foreign oil. I debate this with the rest of the Cashin In crew.
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