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Reply #5: It's a conservative Democrat, Kathy Groob, that runs the site. Here's more info from the site: [View All]

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Pryderi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-23-09 04:43 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. It's a conservative Democrat, Kathy Groob, that runs the site. Here's more info from the site:
Edited on Fri Jan-23-09 04:46 PM by Pryderi
This site is facilitated by Kathy Groob a businesswomen and a former candidate for the Kentucky Senate. Kathy began her political career in 2000 when she was elected to the Ft. Mitchell City Council. After serving two terms on Council, Kathy ran for the Kentucky Senate and lost by 2,000 votes. At the urging of Kentucky’s Governor and party officials, Kathy ran again for the same Senate seat against the 12-year incumbent. Election results show that Kathy lost the 2008 race by 807 votes out of over 41,000 votes but the election results were wrapped in scandal and possible fraud that has left many voters in Kentucky feeling the outcome was less than certain.

Kathy has developed women’s initiatives in the workplace by leading and planning leadership programs. She has served as a mentor to several women in the workplace and was a finalist in the Outstanding Women of Northern Kentucky award program.

Kathy has served on numerous community boards and business organizations including being elected to Ft. Mitchell City Council. She has served on the prestigious Northern Kentucky Vision 2015 steering committee and also sits on the KET Regional Fund Board. She was appointed to the Governor Steve Beshear Transition Team in 2007.

Kathy resides in Covington, Kentucky with her husband Jeff and the couple has three children.

Her campaign website is:
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