This is a longer excerpt from the EON email I just recieved. (I can't paste it here in full because it's a request for funds.)
...FreePress.org and EON have now joined forces to produce a unique new documentary entitled VOTERS REVOLT! - Restoring Democracy in America.
For the next step in production, the EON team needs to be with the Free Press team in D.C., gathering interviews and reporting on the recent powerful GAO report, which corroborates their award-winning reporting on the many ways our electoral system is broken. Our projected interview schedule includes Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones, Sen. Barbara Boxer, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rep. Cynthia McKinney.
Then on to Ohio. We have a great opportunity to capture the fallout from the massive irregularities in Ohio's most recent election, when statistically unexplainable results were reported. Two of the many unbelieveable vote tallies were Issue 2 and Issue 3, both hard fought and well supported election reform measures. Historically accurate polling predicted both would pass with 59% and 61% of the vote, respectively. Yet the "official" vote tally showed almost the opposite, 63.5%, and 67% against the reforms, which is a very unbelievable 40 point error in polling. This may indicate the futility of voting for election reform in a corrupt electoral system. You can't vote to repair your broken electoral system if your votes aren't counted...
There is little to no mainstream corporate or alternative reporting and public discussion about our deliberately privatized and corrupted electoral system -and the citizen efforts to reclaim it. Together with Free Press, we aim to contribute as quickly as possible - an overview and analysis of the situation in multiple forms and formats. We'll produce streaming video, podcasting, short versions for meetings, longer versions for houseparties. We are targeting Link TV and Free Speech TV for national broadcast. The public must understand the truth of whether or not their votes are being accurately counted before the November 2006 election! The release date target for VOTERS REVOLT! - Restoring Democracy in America is June 2006.