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Reply #3: If fraud is party-driven or activist-driven, swing states might be chosen [View All]

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Land Shark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-20-05 07:38 AM
Response to Original message
3. If fraud is party-driven or activist-driven, swing states might be chosen
but if it is vendor driven, then the vendor may well wish to have all their machines operate the same so that any problem, if detected, can be "rationally" ascribed to technical glitches. Thus vendor driven fraud would not be restricted to swing states per se.

While I am agnostic on this causation issue, it is interesting that Sequoia has Nevada and New Mexico, and both were very close and would have resulted in an electoral college tie even without ohio. Sequoia has machines and expecially tabulators in Florida. There's one county in WA state that has sequoia that has been studied, and more than one in CA but neither of those states were particularly swing states (though WA was supposed to have been, for a while, then the Repubs pulled out).

So while it woudld be interesting to look at swing v non-swing to narrow down some issues, it would be preferable to see about 3-5 different approaches in the same study (another being reports by vendor, etc)
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