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Reply #1: "Your election results..." [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
ordinaryaveragegirl Donating Member (853 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-19-05 05:57 PM
Response to Original message
1. "Your election results..."
"...Brought to you by Diebold and Friends."

I found another interesting link about all of these companies, and of course, most of them are big Repuke supporters. Chuck Hagel, of course, owns ESS, so no conflict of interest there. *smirk*

It seems like fraud was a given, since many of these machines don't leave a paper trail, and it makes it hard to backtrack things like the following:

Unusual Results: In the areas where computers were used to cast votes or tally them, some very strange results have surfaced. In just one county in Ohio, over 97,000 votes were originally cast than there are registered voters. Since then they have "corrected" the numbers but mysteriously, the total vote for the county did not change. In one precinct in Florida it was discovered that when the votes hit 32,000, a machine started to count backwards. Many people reported that when they tried to vote for Kerry, the screen said they voted for Bush. There are over 50,000 complaints like this registered. If you view the complaints which are available online, it is clear that almost every one resulted in a "glitch" that favored Bush. And for every "glitch" that has surfaced, we have no idea how many have not been noticed.

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