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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun May-22-05 12:37 PM
Response to Reply #2
Edited on Sun May-22-05 12:55 PM by TruthIsAll
You caught me there.
Usually I catch them myself.
In fact, you are the second to do so.
At least the 50% column was right.

In any case, Bush had to do MUCH BETTER among refusers to make
up the differences, but not nearly as much as I originally

In December I calculated the odds of Bush exceeding the MoE in
16 states. I had it at 1 in 200 trillion. A fellow DUer
pointed out an input parameter error in the normal
distribution Excel probability function.

The correct probability was 1 in 13.5 trillion. 
Clearly, I overstated the case.

	           Exit Poll Responders/Refusers					
                           50%	51%	55%	56%
				50%	49%	 45%	44%

				CT	CT	 UT	UT
V=  Bush Vote 	            44.76%	44.76% 72.94% 72.94%
N= respondents	               872	872	   798	798
R= response rate		50%	51%	   54%	56%

T = responders+refusers      1744 1710    1478 1425
BP= Bush 2-party poll	     41.53% 41.53% 70.07% 70.07%

NB = Bush Respondents	         362	362	559	559
NK = Kerry respondents	  510 510	239	239
RBT= REQ. TOTAL BUSH 	         781	765	1078	1039
NB = BUSH RESPONDENTS 	  362 362	559	559
RNB= REQ. BUSH REFUSERS	  419	403	519	480
NR = TOTAL REFUSERS           872 	838	680	627
RB = RNB/NR                48.00% 48.13% 76.31% 76.59%


Percent of Reluctant Responders Required to Match Bush Vote
					Exit Poll Responders/Refusers					
Sample	Exit	Bush 2-party		50%	51%	52%	53%	54%	55%	56%
EAST	Size	MoE	Poll	Vote	50%	49%	48%	47%	46%	45%	44%

CT	872	3.27%	41.53%	44.76%	48.00%	48.13%	48.27%	48.41%	48.56%	48.72%	48.88%
DC	795	1.92%	8.37%	9.37%	10.37%	10.41%	10.45%	10.50%	10.54%	10.59%	10.64%
DE	770	3.48%	41.56%	46.18%	50.81%	50.99%	51.19%	51.40%	51.61%	51.83%	52.07%
MA	889	3.10%	33.54%	37.30%	41.06%	41.21%	41.37%	41.54%	41.72%	41.90%	42.09%
MD	1000	3.07%	42.96%	43.75%	44.54%	44.57%	44.61%	44.64%	44.68%	44.72%	44.76%

ME	1968	2.20%	45.17%	45.52%	45.88%	45.89%	45.91%	45.92%	45.94%	45.95%	45.97%
NH	1849	2.27%	44.51%	49.32%	54.13%	54.32%	54.53%	54.74%	54.96%	55.20%	55.44%
NJ	1520	2.49%	43.87%	46.87%	49.87%	49.99%	50.12%	50.25%	50.39%	50.54%	50.69%
NY	1452	2.47%	36.04%	41.21%	46.38%	46.59%	46.81%	47.04%	47.28%	47.53%	47.79%
PA	1930	2.22%	45.59%	48.87%	52.15%	52.28%	52.42%	52.57%	52.72%	52.88%	53.04%

RI	809	3.30%	35.76%	39.52%	43.27%	43.43%	43.59%	43.75%	43.93%	44.11%	44.30%
VT	685	3.56%	34.31%	39.66%	45.01%	45.23%	45.46%	45.70%	45.94%	46.20%	46.47%
WV	1722	2.35%	54.81%	56.52%	58.24%	58.31%	58.38%	58.46%	58.54%	58.62%	58.71%

TOTAL	16261	0.78%	40.40%	43.91%	47.42%	47.57%	47.72%	47.87%	48.03%	48.20%	48.38%

Sample	Exit	Bush 2-party		50%	51%	52%	53%	54%	55%	56%
MIDW	Size	MoE	Poll	Vote	50%	49%	48%	47%	46%	45%	44%

IA	2502	1.96%	49.33%	50.46%	51.59%	51.63%	51.68%	51.73%	51.78%	51.84%	51.89%
IL	1392	2.60%	42.87%	45.01%	47.15%	47.23%	47.32%	47.42%	47.52%	47.62%	47.73%
IN	926	3.17%	59.03%	60.54%	62.06%	62.12%	62.18%	62.25%	62.32%	62.39%	62.47%
KS	654	3.65%	65.40%	63.03%	60.66%	60.57%	60.46%	60.36%	60.25%	60.14%	60.02%
MI	2452	1.98%	47.45%	48.27%	49.08%	49.12%	49.15%	49.19%	49.23%	49.26%	49.31%

MN	2178	2.09%	45.39%	48.24%	51.08%	51.20%	51.32%	51.45%	51.58%	51.72%	51.86%
MO	2158	2.11%	52.53%	53.67%	54.82%	54.87%	54.92%	54.97%	55.02%	55.08%	55.13%
ND	649	3.63%	66.42%	63.91%	61.41%	61.30%	61.20%	61.08%	60.97%	60.85%	60.72%
NE	785	3.37%	63.46%	67.47%	71.48%	71.64%	71.81%	71.99%	72.17%	72.37%	72.57%
OH	1963	2.21%	47.94%	51.25%	54.56%	54.70%	54.84%	54.98%	55.14%	55.30%	55.47%

SD	1495	2.45%	62.58%	60.91%	59.24%	59.17%	59.10%	59.03%	58.95%	58.87%	58.79%
WI	2223	2.08%	49.79%	49.80%	49.82%	49.82%	49.82%	49.82%	49.82%	49.82%	49.82%

TOTAL	19377	0.72%	49.72%	51.32%	52.92%	52.99%	53.06%	53.13%	53.20%	53.28%	53.36%
Sample	Exit	Bush 2-party		50%	51%	52%	53%	54%	55%	56%
SOUTH	Size	MoE	Poll	Vote	50%	49%	48%	47%	46%	45%	44%
AL	730	3.57%	58.92%	62.92%	66.92%	67.09%	67.26%	67.43%	67.62%	67.81%	68.02%
AR	1402	2.61%	53.07%	55.26%	57.45%	57.54%	57.63%	57.73%	57.83%	57.94%	58.05%
FL	2846	1.84%	50.07%	52.53%	54.99%	55.09%	55.20%	55.31%	55.42%	55.54%	55.66%
GA	1536	2.48%	56.89%	58.42%	59.95%	60.01%	60.07%	60.14%	60.21%	60.29%	60.36%
KY	1034	3.00%	59.25%	60.01%	60.77%	60.80%	60.83%	60.86%	60.90%	60.94%	60.97%

LA	1669	2.38%	55.51%	57.37%	59.24%	59.32%	59.40%	59.48%	59.57%	59.66%	59.75%
MS	798	3.44%	56.80%	60.09%	63.39%	63.53%	63.67%	63.81%	63.96%	64.12%	64.29%
NC	2167	2.10%	52.69%	56.29%	59.88%	60.03%	60.18%	60.34%	60.51%	60.68%	60.86%
OK	1539	2.38%	65.27%	65.56%	65.85%	65.86%	65.88%	65.89%	65.90%	65.92%	65.93%
SC	1735	2.34%	54.22%	58.70%	63.18%	63.36%	63.55%	63.75%	63.95%	64.17%	64.40%

TN	1774	2.29%	58.85%	57.22%	55.59%	55.53%	55.46%	55.39%	55.31%	55.23%	55.15%
TX	1671	2.31%	63.16%	61.51%	59.86%	59.79%	59.72%	59.65%	59.57%	59.49%	59.41%
VA	1431	2.59%	52.04%	54.35%	56.66%	56.76%	56.85%	56.96%	57.06%	57.17%	57.29%

TOTAL	20332	0.70%	56.25%	57.67%	59.09%	59.15%	59.21%	59.27%	59.34%	59.41%	59.48%
	Sample	Exit	Bush 2-party	50%	51%	52%	53%	54%	55%	56%
WEST	Size	MoE	Poll	Vote	50%	49%	48%	47%	46%	45%	44%
AK	910	3.18%	59.86%	63.83%	67.80%	67.96%	68.13%	68.31%	68.49%	68.68%	68.88%
AZ	1859	2.27%	53.40%	54.97%	56.54%	56.61%	56.67%	56.74%	56.81%	56.89%	56.97%
CA	1919	2.22%	44.27%	44.79%	45.32%	45.34%	45.36%	45.39%	45.41%	45.44%	45.46%
CO	2515	1.95%	50.93%	52.65%	54.37%	54.44%	54.52%	54.59%	54.67%	54.76%	54.84%
HI	499	4.38%	46.68%	45.63%	44.57%	44.53%	44.49%	44.44%	44.39%	44.34%	44.29%

ID	559	3.91%	66.67%	69.29%	71.92%	72.03%	72.14%	72.25%	72.38%	72.50%	72.64%
MT	640	3.78%	60.72%	60.50%	60.27%	60.26%	60.25%	60.24%	60.23%	60.22%	60.21%
NM	1951	2.22%	48.66%	50.58%	52.51%	52.59%	52.67%	52.76%	52.85%	52.94%	53.04%
NV	2116	2.13%	49.34%	51.33%	53.33%	53.41%	53.49%	53.58%	53.67%	53.77%	53.87%
OR	1064	3.00%	48.78%	48.03%	47.29%	47.25%	47.22%	47.19%	47.16%	47.12%	47.08%

UT	798	3.18%	70.07%	72.94%	75.81%	75.93%	76.05%	76.17%	76.31%	76.45%	76.59%
WA	2123	2.12%	44.93%	46.40%	47.87%	47.93%	47.99%	48.06%	48.13%	48.20%	48.27%
WY	684	3.50%	67.93%	70.30%	72.66%	72.76%	72.86%	72.97%	73.08%	73.19%	73.31%

TOTAL	17637	0.75%	48.19%	49.13%	50.07%	50.10%	50.14%	50.19%	50.23%	50.27%	50.32%
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