Triad machines produce 101,506 more Bush Votes than expected in Ohio
This was posted by EOTE in another thread, but hedda_foil says it is new to DU, so I think it deserves its own posting:
Triad machines produce more Bush Votes than expected
The following is an analysis done by my father, an epidemiologist at the FDA:
I decided to look at the punch card Ohio counties in more detail.
Like my other analysis, I looked at the difference in votes (in each county) from 2004 and what would have been expected if Kerry had obtained the same percentage of votes in the county as Gore had in 2000.
I also divided the counties up into four categories:
Electronic voting (7 counties)
Optical scan (12 counties)
Punch cards by Triad Government (41 counties)
Punch cards other (28 counties, mostly ES & S)
Here's what I found:
Electronic voting:
38,377 more Kerry votes than expected, average of 5,539 per county
Optical scan:
323 more Kerry votes than expected, average of 27 per county
Punch card other:
62,406 more Kerry votes than expected, average of 2,229 per county
Punch cards by Triad:
13,369 less Kerry votes than expected, average of 326 less per county
Total non-Triad:
101,506 more Kerry votes than expected, average of 2,160 per county
So, if the Triad counties had voted (in comparison with 2000) similarly to all the other counties combined, there would have been a net of 2,486 extra Kerry votes per each of the 41 counties, providing a net Kerry gain of 101,926 extra net Kerry votes. And with the additional provisional votes that are up for grabs, that could easily put Kerry over the top, I would think.
I don't know anything about the Triad government machines, or what is their potential for fraud. But what the above analysis means is that if massive election fraud took place in Ohio, it probably involved mostly the Triad government punch card machines.
Of course, there could have been fraud in other counties as well (If the exit polls were accurate that would mean Kerry winning Ohio by over 260,000 votes, which is a lot more than I calculated here.)
Hope this helps some.
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