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WAYNE MADSEN Q&A DU 11/28 PM ------------A COMPILATION [View All]

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Home » Discuss » Topic Forums » Election Reform Donate to DU
IAMREALITY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-29-04 10:24 AM
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That original thread is wayyyyyyyy too hard to follow. Since many DU'rs and probably many more lurkers are going to have an interest in this, I have compiled a list of all the Questions and Answers from the Q&A session with Mr. Madsen on 11/28. For ease of reading, I have taken only the important snippets of the questions, but supplied the ENTIRE answer. Here we go!

Q: Do you think NC is clean?

A: There is a possibility that the vote was fixed in NC also and Gaston County is suspicious -- but the scam I'm looking at that involved paying techs to rig the vote was said to definitely involve FL, TX, OH and CA. There may have been other states involved. But the info I received definitely mentioned these Big 4 states.

Q: what's the timeline? -- is there a glimmer of hope to get this out before the inauguration?

A: We are trying to get this story out and have a criminal investigation started to block the Ohio recert on Friday and the meeting of the Electoral College

Q: do you have the financial or moral support of the candidate we are fighting for?

A: I have been meeting with Kerry campaign and Democratic Party people here this weekend. As for me, I've taken on the Bushes and Karl Rove for years. I appeared on Greg Palast's "Bush Family Fortunes" and explained how the Bush Family uses their office to enrich themselves and their buddies. I'm not afraid of them at all. But I do have protection by my two pals: "Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson." Unlike the person whose name I'm using as a screen name, Danny Casolaro, I trust no one except my friends, and I take another look at them from time to time.

Q: How do you know your sources are credible?

A: sources are risking their lives by talking

Q: One of the things that many of us are frustrated about, is not being able to do enough. Or, we feel that our efforts are going nowhere because of the mainstream media lock-down or what appears to be a lack of interest. Any suggestions on what we should be doing?

A: I share your frustration. The Kerry campaign is not the brightest light in the chandelier on being prepared for this fraud. You need to do something like the MeetUps. Organize. Petitions to the media & member of congress, news conferences with losing local Democratic candidates who may have been caught up in the fraud. Force the lazy corporate controlled media to pay attention but don't get arrested and clobbered around in the process. For Fox News: "If it bleeds, it leads."

Q: how confident are you that your sources are genuine, and are telling you the truth?

A: My sources are very brave for coming forth but they also know what the risks are if they are exposed. My major job other than reporting this story is protecting them.

Q: (No Direct Question)

A: Sorry for the delay... on the check --it is a bank check or cashier's check. Any EFT larger than $10K would be reported to FINCEN here in Tyson's Corner, VA. One for $29.6 would get automatically reported to CIA, NSA, FBI, IRS, DHS and others. They kept this to as paperless trail as possible.

Q: Are you confident check is genuine?

A: I have a color digital copy of the check. It is real, right down to anti-forgery features. I have refrained from posting it right now because at this stage the Rove types would doctor it and point to the fake version as proof of a forgery. I'm very aware what the right wing bloggers did to 60 Minutes. They may have merely cleaned up the documents for TV (I've seen that done at other networks). But the right jumped all over the docs and discredited Bill Burkett (who is solid) and Dan Rather.

Q: So just one huge check that they hope fly under the radar.

A: That's right -- this check likely generated bundles of cash used for the pay outs. The Bushes like to deal in suitcases of cash as do their friends the Saudis

Q: Is anyone working on that? Are Government officials (the legit ones) investigating this? Bush is losing friends at the CIA I would imagine we'd have some allies right now? Additionally the House Judiciary committee Dems would be interested in any info you have.

A: Some with those agencies have already offered their help to trace the money. I knew I could count on my old "buddies."

Q: May I ask why your sources chose you to investigate? Curious as to how you became a contact.

A: This came to me because of my ongoing work investigating 911 -- this info came as a result of a probe into Saudi money in Texas. It was fitting that my first source and I met at Ground Zero. This effort is as much for those who died that day as for those of us who have been left to deal with the perpetrators of that crime.

Q: One being the least and 100 being the most how sure are you that your evidence will come to the light of day and overturn the election?

A: The chances that a third rate burglary at the Watergate would bring down an administration were about a 4 out of 100 in 1972. These numbers should change but we had a much different kind of news media in 72 and 73. So this is going to be a rough ride.

Q: I live in Texas and was surprised you mentioned this state as part of the "fix". Is there anything I can do from here?

A: They used Texas to pad their national margin (the 3+ million votes). They used California for the same thing. Any unusual activity/behavior noticed at any polling place in Texas should be reported. I am forwarding complaints I'm receiving now to Democratic Party and Kerry campaign people.

Q: My question is whether you have any information about investigations in the following states: NY, NC, or Virginia

A: I communicated with someone who was aware of the project. That person definitely knew about those 4 states. There may have been others but the contact was not in a position to know about other states. But it can't be ruled out.

Q: In the states you mentioned, please tell us the counties, and precincts where we can find the anomalies.

A: My leads on that are that the counties and precincts were where there were unspecified "security actions" ordered by phony FBI and DHS people. This cleared the way for the techies to perform their "fixes." What I've also been told is that some non-US techies were involved.

Q: Non US techies, meaning Canadian?

A: Not heard about Canadians, but Mexicans, Brazilians and Russians

Q: i read k olberman blog and got a little sad that he seemed to be ragging on you. what about his point that why would k. r. tell his soldiers about the large and exact amount of money.

A: Keith probably doesn't get out of that bunker in Secaucus, NJ very often. Also, being an ESPN sportscaster may not have been the best experience to judge such a long lead investigative story.

Q: Any connection between Five Star Investments and FISX Group Limited? Or between Equity Financial Trust and FISX Group Limited? Also, any connection(s) to Caryle or Baker-Botts? Or Worldsec? Or Appleby Spurling and Kempe?

A: Not sure about FISX Group.

Baker a very real possibility though. Votes grabbed in FL were statewide, but especially the more populated counties where the padding could go virtually unnoticed.

Q: Has JJ or anyone from the DNC offered any assistance ?

A: I've been meeting with the Dems and Kerry folks all this weekend here in DC

Q: 1) it's so highly improbable from a logistics standpoint, based on your description and (2) it's not necessary -- those systems are riggable from inside AND via modem (or wireless) in real time. It's just not necessary. Why would they dream up a stunt like this, with all its potential for discovery, leaks, etc., when it's just NOT necessary?

A: The Bushes seldom deviate from their m.o., which is to use pass throughs, shell companies, and large amounts of money to get what they want. Yes, there is a lead on gaining access through modems. But that is where I have to be careful. The name I have connected with that is well known and he has sued journalists in the past for libel.

Q: Hopefully the DNC offered SOME support.

A: support was offered and was appreciated

Q: is this investigation the reason why the dnc & all have been quiet?

A: DNC-Pretty sad outfit -- they can't even hire a decent Karl Rove type. A "Karl Rove who likes dogs and kids, brakes for animals, but hates Republicans."

Q: There has been a lot of conjecture on here about the Kerry Campaign and/or Senior Democrats in general working "under the radar" on this

A: I just don't get the feeling that Kerry and the big shots have any master plan. But there are other Dems and Kerry people working on this angle of the story and they've been supportive.

Q: Is the reason that Bush was so eager to declare a mandate at his 11-4-04 (I think) press conference because he knew he didnt have one and that his padding efforts were successful?

A: Yes, Bush was real sure of himself, like a thief is when he knows he got away with a bank heist.

Q: We need information that only the hackers would have. Otherwise, your story is going to look like one more conspiracy theory.

A: Since the Bushes destroy their opponents, I am relying on getting the technical details of the rigging. The sources have done their jobs by passing on this information in good faith. I can't expect them to identify themselves.

Q: Have you uncovered any of the technical details? Sample code for instance?

A: This is still at the level of following the money trail to the perps..not there yet.

Q: P.S. When you bring Bush down ..I will nominate you to replace him

Madsen For President

A: My platform in free beer for everyone but the Neo Cons. Beer is not allowed in Camp X Ray, Guantanamo Bay.

Q: My biggest question is why would these guys be telling you this, since if everything you say is true, these guys could be killed for speaking to you?

A: And that is why I am trying to protect their identities. These people have already done more than could be expected considering who they are up against. Now its up to the independent media to get to the bottom of this.

Q: You said the Kerry campaign was not the brightest in being prepared. do you have a sense of what they WERE prepared for? Were they prepared more for recounts and suppression than actual fraud?

A: Those 17000 lawyers called up were mostly business lawyers, public policy types, etc. This needed criminal attorneys. I don't get a feeling that is what they planned for.

Q: Was the Carlyle Group involved in any way shape or form?

A: Not that I've discovered but Five Star Investments was set up when Daddy Bush was President for some very specific reasons that he knows about. He is very much involved in this affair.

Q: Just curious about this purge of the CIA. Seems to me some of those folks must be mighty P.O.'d. Also seems to me some of them would know this election is tainted and have the means to prove it. Any chance at all that there might be an "arrangement" for some info to be discovered "accidentally"?

A: Yes, meetings are on schedule

Q: The question is did the RNC know of these actions as they paid this criminal nation wide voter fraud organization that was directed by a former head of the RNC in Arizona, if so then an entire political party with powers to run national candidates and hold office is possibly criminally liable for voter fraud on a nation wide basis.

A: There are GOPers in Arizona who are dodgy to say the least. That's why I mentioned the Falcone bit in the article. That was gun running money that got to Bush-Cheney 2000 from Falcone interests.

Q: Are your sources talking to the feds

A: They dare not talk to the Feds -- the FBI may be involved in this (not all of them but that part that constantly serves as cover up artists for Bush). The state officials in Ohio are mostly Republicans -- a Taft, Inc. state. Florida - well that is Jeb's personal banana republic. Texas - N/A. That leaves California where the Dems still control some statewide offices.

Q: The NY Times or other supportive major newspapers would be a good place to go with this once you've assembled all the date, no?

A: I know this major media. They practice NIH -- "Not Invented Here" therefore, we don't want it.

Q: All I can relate is what a young girl that is friends of my daughter told me, she and others she knew were registered voters and she did in fact vote in the last election of 2000, but when she and some of her family members went to vote in the same preceint mind you as 2000, there was no record of her, or so they said and told others the same..

A: Yes, its their m.o. to screw those who have the least resources to challenge the disenfranchisement. Ask the African Americans in Florida and Georgia. This happened to them in 2000, 2002 and this year. Cynthia McKinney gets beaten in her mostly African American district in 2002 primary where e-voting was used and comes roarig back this year. She was being punished in 2002 for what she said about GWB and 911.

Q: I think that the largest contributor to Ohio's 2004 GOP campaigns, David Brennan, and his White Hat Management (manages charter schools and homeschool programs, HQ in Akron) company, had a hand in election fraud. According to watchdog groups, Sovereign Citizens are working toward gaining a foothold in County governments (the highest level of government they acknowledge), including the strategy of getting appointments to Boards of Elections and County Commissioners' offices. They also often impersonate various kinds of enforcement agents in order to intimidate people. When you follow the money, it leads up to the likes of Hudson Institute and Amway. There's also a connection to Kenneth Blackwell.

A : I have not looked into that but Amway, Unification Church, Hudson, Coors, Olin, Scaife and all those kooks are involved in this administration.

Q: (Question from a Naysayer about credibility, too long to sum)

A: But do trust funds that are awash in Saudi money that have been used in the past for political purposes by the Bushes that cut a check for $29.6 million on Oct 22 2004 mean the Saudis are interested in buying shopping malls in Texas? In this case, sources that are identified will be dead. I've had enough of Americans being killed by these Bush SOBs: 3000 on 911 and over 1300 in Iraq are quite enough. But I know Karl Rove would like to know who's talking.

Q: do you think the American people will ever see anyone held accountable?

A; What we need is Kiev. There was an anti-vote fraud rally held a week ago Friday in Lafayette Park in front of the White House. 30 people, incl media were there. Media consisted of Al Arabiya and Pacifica.

Q: Will you be able to connect it to the white house

A: I already have this linked to the White House, actually 2 White Houses: Bush I and Bush II

Q: Daniel Hopsicker? Have you thought about teaming up with Hopsicker?

A: I know his work but have not been in contact -- we've been working on some similar stories over the years though.

Q: please let me know if you've been in touch with Randi Rhodes or anyone at Air America Radio?

A: No, but I'd be happy to talk to her. I can be contacted at [email protected]

Q: Fisher story tied in at all?

A: My latest information is that there is a possible tie-in. I've asked someone to check it out on the ground in FL and MI.

Q: I noticed the money connection also to Osama.

A: The Bin Ladens and Bushes go together like Sears & Roebuck, Captain & Tennile and for the really old timers Horn & Hardart

Q: There have been prior instances of software being replaced with non-certified versions or versions with known issues. Is there any chance this happened again in this election cycle?

A: What I can tell you is that coders in Brazil were used to modify certain software. If anyone can check with the experts if any of these e voting firms were using outsourced programmers, that would be useful info.
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