They couldn't actually find a newspaper clipping that was titled what they wanted ("Obama Attacks Clinton gas tax plan"), so they made one up...
but they attached the headline to a Troopergate article! LOL!
Here is a screen capture from the downloaded hi-res copy from Clinton's website:

I noticed because I wanted to read the article and several words/phrases were quite readable. Then I saw it: "Troopergate" not once, but twice, sticking out like a sore thumb! Then I could read several other phrases:
"had notarized a written statement signed by the governor's former communications director.. whether he has a private attorney to represent him in the Troopergate scandal."
" 'It is their job to do what they do'... said of investigators. 'It is my job to cooperate, which is exactly what I have done. I have answered all the questions over and over.'"
See for yourself. Here is a link to the ad from Clinton's website: For those not familiar with Troopergate, see Wiki: is the summary:
Troopergate is the popular name of an alleged scandal involving allegations by two Arkansas state troopers that they arranged sexual liaisons for then-governor Bill Clinton. The allegations by state troopers Larry Patterson and Roger Perry were first reported by David Brock in the American Spectator in 1993. The story mentioned a woman named Paula, a reference to Paula Jones.