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Remember America: Like Poppy, Bush is a CROOK! [View All]

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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 12:06 PM
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Remember America: Like Poppy, Bush is a CROOK!
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As George W Bush "takes" the Oath of Office, remember he’s there ONLY because his old man, George Herbert Walker Bush, once headed the Secret Police as Director of Central Intelligence. Here’s proof that Poppy also was in Dallas on 22 November, 1963, the day President John F. Kennedy was assassinated -- the day the United States stopped being a representative democracy, the day that marks the beginning of the Big Lie.

Here it is in black and white:

FBI Memo from 22 November 1963. Within minutes of the assassination, George Herbert Walker Bush rats out one "James Parrot" as possibly being involved. It also states Poppy said he was in a town about 40 miles east of Dallas.

FBI Memo from 29 November 1963. J Edgar Hoover receives information from "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency" that seems to clear the anti-Castro Cubans in Miami (from where CIA assassination teams worked to overthrow Castro).


Hey, Red States America and those who voted Republican! George Bush is a crook! So is his Dim Son.
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