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Honduras Base Shows U.S. Military Role in Drug War [View All]

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-01-11 04:06 PM
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Honduras Base Shows U.S. Military Role in Drug War
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Honduras Base Shows U.S. Military Role in Drug War
By Guy Taylor | 30 Nov 2011

Increased U.S. funding to fight drugs and organized crime in Mexico and Central America has attracted a good deal of attention in recent years. But flying largely under the radar is the growing role being played in that effort by the U.S. military, most notably now in Honduras, where U.S. Marines are engaged in a joint training exercise with Honduran troops and the Pentagon is financing a new naval base.

“There’s been a noticeable uptick in U.S. military aid and cooperation in Honduras during the past year,” says Adam Isacson, senior associate for regional security policy at the Washington Office on Latin America.

While the United States has a history of coordinating with the Honduran military, Isacson reminded Trend Lines this week that the “spigot of aid” was, for a time, shut off after the June 2009 military coup that ousted former President Manuel Zelaya.

The best illustration that those taps are once again flowing may be the $2 million base slated to open next month on the island of Guanaja, just off the northern Honduran coast east of Belize.

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