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Reply #115: FBI warns of potential terror attacks on public buildings [View All]

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radfringe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-07-08 06:02 AM
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115. FBI warns of potential terror attacks on public buildings
Source: MSNBC

FBI warns of potential terror attacks on public buildings
Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 5:54 PM ET
Filed Under: Terrorism
By Jim Popkin, NBC News Senior Investigative Producer

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security today issued an analytical "note" to U.S. law-enforcement officials cautioning that al-Qaida terrorists have in the past expressed interest in attacking public buildings using a dozen suicide bombers each carrying 20 kilograms of explosives.

Authors with the U.S. Office of Intelligence and Analysis added that they have "no credible or specific information that terrorists are planning operations against public buildings in the United States." The FBI and DHS analysts said they were releasing the note because "it is important for local authorities and building owners and operators to be aware of potential attack tactics."

According to the note obtained by NBC News, a "recently discovered audio recording of al-Qa‘ida training sessions conducted several years ago provides instruction to potential suicide terrorists on seizing a publicly accessible building and damaging or destroying it with explosive charges."

Among the materials on a CD–ROM seized earlier this year by Belgian authorities and provided to Interpol, the note said, "is a detailed audio explanation by now-deceased senior al-Qa‘ida operative Yousef al-Ayeeri of a method taught in an al-Qa‘ida training camp for attacking a publicly accessible building. Interpol believes the Arabic-language recording was made shortly before al-Ayeeri’s death in 2003."

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mmmmmm....bush's numbers in the toilet, economy in shambles, mccain-palin falling behind

yep - time to yell "WOLF WOLF"
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