Bush's Inaugural Address - After a Spritz
of "B.S. Away!"
January 19, 2005
By Bernard Weiner, The
Crisis Papers
During the past year, my Silicon Valley inventor-friend had twice
demonstrated the efficacy of his amazing "B.S. Away!" spray*. He
spritzed it on newspaper stories, television monitors, government
press conferences - and, voila!, the inner truth emerged.
This week, he upped the ante, with a new, longer-acting version
of the spray.
I can't reveal how he accomplished it or who the mole was in the
Administration that made it happen, but somehow he gained access
to the lecturn from which Bush will deliver his Inaugural Address.
"B.S. Away!" was misted profusely on the lecturn, and on the teleprompters.
This is what the nation will hear him say after he's sworn in for
his second term...
My fellow Americans. I can't describe what I feel in my
heart at your trust in giving me another term to serve as your president.
This could be a turning point in American history: four more years
to complete a radical conservative restructuring of American society,
similar to how FDR moved America to the left in the '30s.
So, I thank you, the voters. But it wasn't just you; Karl Rove
and Kenny Blackwell - and key corporate friends - had a lot to do
with my standing here today.
You know the old saying about being able to fool all the people
some of the time. That was our election strategy. Karl's a genius
at working that game: even though most of the American people were
ready to blame me for the disastrous war in Iraq and the sputtering
economy, they voted for me anyway because we scared them into thinking
the other guys were worse than we are.
We never let up on our buzzwords - gay marriage, 9/11, terrorists,
abortion, evolution, gay marriage, Bill & Hillary, 9/11, Saddam,
Swift Boat vets, gay marriage, 9/11; all we had to do was pound
on those and our electoral base, led by my evangelical friends,
came out to vote with a vengeance.
Of course, the other side mobilized big-time as well, but we had
ways to minimize their influence, especially those voters not of
the white persuasion: we purged thousands from key state voting
rolls; made 'em stand for hours and hours in the cold and rain at
precincts that had just a few machines (a lot of those voters gave
up and headed off to work); intimidated them by saying we'd challenge
their right to vote if they showed up, or told them that if they
had any unpaid parking tickets they'd be arrested; or, my two favorites:
our side handed out fliers telling them that the election was on
Wednesday Nov. 3rd, and destroyed their new-voter registration forms
so they were not on the precinct lists. Then they were denied Provisional
Ballots. Way to go, Kenny!
I'm not even going to get into what we may or may not have happened
when the votes were counted. Let's just say that there are ways
that lead to happy results, even when your opponent is way ahead
in the early exit polls.
In any event, I'm still here, and I didn't even have to count
on my Supreme Court buds to install me into the White House this
time. I'm legitimate now. Even got me a mandate. Well, yeah, the
victory was razor thin - half of the country voted for the other
guy - but it's a victory, and that's my mandate. I've got "political
capital" to spend - love that phrase, Karl! - and, believe me, I'm
going to spend it and flush those liberals and their programs and
their party down the toilet.
By the time we finish with them, there will be no Opposition worth
mentioning. I always said it would be easier to rule in a dictatorship.
You vill now click heels, ja?
We're going to keep dismantling the Democrat social programs by
slicing away at their sources of funds. We don't have to go out
there and admit that we want to get rid of entitlement programs
such as Social Security. We just start to "privatize" it so that
it withers away on its own.
It's a win win win: Young workers believe they'll do much better
by investing in the stock market (of course, we won't tell them
that the market could precipitously decline at any point), which
takes funds out of the system, so those old folks remaining will
get less money somewhere down the road. Or, if the Democrats ever
were to regain power, they'd have to be the ones to raise taxes
to fully fund those benefits.
Either way, as those scaredy-cat senior citizens die off, Social
Security will simply fade away. In the meantime, our Wall Street
friends will make out like bandits at all the young-investor business
coming their way, and they'll line our GOP coffers with steady donations.
Win win win. Jeb'll love it.
Since fear helped convince the country to go to war in Iraq, we'll
just keep pounding, with a few word changes, a similar drum with
Social Security: "There's an imminent threat to the longterm health
of Social Security, a CRISIS, we've got to do something now. Can't
wait. We need to move NOW, before the mushroom cloud of insolvency
destroys it. No more studies, no more independent inspectors, no
more debate - get in line and vote NOW to start privatizing this
system." That should do it.
In addition, we'll keep hammering away at the "greedy" trial lawyers,
suing doctors and HMOs and other giant corporations for huge damage
awards. We'll cap the amount they can get from juries, and our corporate
insurance and corporate friends will express their gratitude to
us appropriately.
This approach worked for our Medicare Drug-Discount program, where
the pharmaceutical companies - which raised the price of their drugs,
then offered a slight discount - are happy. But, unfortunately,
the seniors saw through our scheme and aren't playing. We'll crank
up the P.R. and somehow tie the discount program more tightly into
their Medicare coverage. That should take care of 'em.
We're going to continue crashing our battering ram through the
doors of Congress until they OK the federal judges we want. Sure,
the Democrat party kept our most extremist nominees from getting
approved in earlier votes, but we'll just keep coming back at them
until they holler uncle. And, if we have to, we'll eliminate the
filibuster as a weapon and ram those nominations down their throats.
We're thinking long-range here: got to place enough of our ideological
friends into the appeals courts all over the country, so they'll
be in those lifetime jobs for decades and decades, even if somehow
the Dems were to get back in charge. Eat your heart out, Teddy!
And we're solidifying our hold on power by getting Alberto Gonzales
into Ashcroft's job. Sure, the liberals are crying foul; they can't
attack me on the torture/dictatorship issues, so they're
taking out their anger on poor Alberto, who was only following orders
in writing those memos permitting us to torture the terrorist bad
guys, and providing me legal cover to rule however I wish as "commander
in chief" in "wartime."
The Dems are such wussies, they'll just make some noise about
Gonzales and then vote to approve him - even though he never disavowed
the original philosophy behind those memos! Then, they'll yowl later,
as they did with Ashcroft, about how they made a mistake in voting
to approve his nomination. Those guys never learn and so we walk
all over them. It's so much fun watching them squirm, having no
earthly idea how to fight us.
(Perfect example: In any other country, Rumsfeld would have been
fired or resigned long ago. But the Dems just like to make noise
with no follow-through. Of course, it helps to have the mass-media
in our pocket.)
And then we're putting Mike Chertoff in place at Homeland Security.
The Dems could have blackmailed Bernie Kerik twelve ways to Sunday
he was so dirty, but Chertoff, who's a real hard-ass - he helped
us put together the most controversial aspects of the Patriot Act,
for example - will get confirmed because he doesn't have any sex
scandals in his dossier. Is America great or what?
Now we get to the bad news. Iraq is falling apart. I keep the
spin spinning: that all is going well and the elections there will
stabilize the situation. But everyone from generals to GOP leaders
to the CIA to my dad's most prestigious advisors is telling me that
Iraq is a thorough disaster and we'd better get out sooner rather
than later.
But if I were to agree to that way of thinking, I'd be admitting
that we've made major mistakes in our war-policy, and that we don't
and won't do. Our aims are lofty and good, to bring democracy to
Iraq and the general Middle East, so that America and our corporate
friends can continue to control the region and keep all that oil
and gas in the right hands, and to ensure that Israel exists as
a firm ally against Islamic extremism.
Yeah, I can't avoid hearing the Democrat drumbeat that the way
we and Israel behave and treat the ragheads increases terrorism
against us. But, let's admit it, terrorism is what keeps us in power.
We can manage those guys. The American people, properly frightened,
are quite happy to let us continue to initiate these wars abroad,
so that "we won't have to fight them in this country."
Abroad: torture, massive civilian deaths and casualties; at home:
slicing away at the Constitution and our citizens' freedoms. Americans
have come to accept that's just the price they have to pay to keep
us all safe. I'm not about to tell them differently.
So, my fellow Americans, ask not what I can do for you; ask what
you'd better do for me. God chose me, and the righteous among you
know that. The rest of you are going to hell.
This is my lame-duck term, and I don't really care if half of
you prefer someone else. I'm the one in charge. I'm revving up the
engine of control and power. The New Deal and Great Society programs
are going to feel the wrecking ball of our ideological wrath. Those
opposing us in the world better get out of our way, or risk a great
I'm here, I'm dear, and I'm not going anywhere for four more years.
Get used to it.
Thank you, and God bless America.
Bernard Weiner, playwright-poet and Ph.D. in government & international
relations, has taught at various universities, was a writer/editor
for the San Francisco Chronicle for 19 years, and is co-editor
of The Crisis
For more examples, see "B.S.
Away!" - The Miracle Truth Spray," and "Up,
Up and 'B.S. Away!'"