Offers Media Good Advice on How to Protect Viewers From Leaders'
January 25, 2003
By Dennis Hans
of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is deeply concerned that the American
people may be taken in by smooth-talking Saddam Hussein, and
he wants the news media to take pre-emptive action. On the
January 19 edition of the ABC News show "This Week," Rumsfeld
told George Stephanopoulos:
"Well, first, Saddam Hussein is a liar. He lies every single
day. . . . He is still claiming that he won the war. His people
are being told every day that they won. It was a great victory
in 1991 when he was thrown out of Kuwait and chased back to
Baghdad. Now, it seems to me that almost every time you quote
something from him, you should preface it by saying 'here's
a man who has lied all the time and consistently.'"
(The transcript
of the interview is available on this page of the Defense
Department's website.)
The media better act quickly, because the latest polls indicate
that 81 percent of the American public believe Saddam kicked
the senior Bush's booty and 93 percent believe Saddam's assertion
that Iraq possesses no weapons of mass destruction.
I jest, of course. As Rumsfeld surely knows, few if any Americans
believe that in 1991 Iraq won "the mother of all wars." As
for Saddam's protestations of innocence regarding banned weapons,
an actual poll, conducted a couple of weeks ago by the Knight-Ridder
news organization, revealed that a whopping one percent
"think Iraq is probably telling the truth and no longer has
banned weapons." Thus, the public pays no heed to the Iraqi
party line even when inspectors have yet to sniff a smoking
here for a January 12 Miami Herald report on the poll.)
Regarding the most dangerous of all WMDs, 41 percent of Americans
believed that Iraq - right now - has nuclear weapons. Another
36 percent either didn't know whether Iraq has nukes or refused
to answer the question. Only 24 percent shared the view of
virtually all reputable experts: Iraq does not possess nuclear
Knight-Ridder also asked, "As far as you know, how many of
the September 11 terrorist hijackers were Iraqi citizens?"
Twenty-one percent said that "most" were Iraqi citizens,
23 percent answered "some" were, 6 percent said only one was
an Iraqi, and 33 percent didn't know or refused to answer.
Only 17 percent knew the correct answer: "none."
Knight-Ridder essentially duplicated the findings of an October
poll by the Pew Research Center for People and the Press,
which found that (as paraphrased by the Reuters newswire)
"66 percent believed [Saddam] was involved in the Sept. 11
attacks on the United States."
Yes, the American people have a desperate need for news media
that protect them from a flood of disinformation from an unscrupulous
administration. But that administration is not headed by Saddam
Whereas Americans have no trouble dismissing Saddam's lies,
they are quite vulnerable to the lies of the Bush gang. Why
would a factory worker in the heartland laugh at Saddam's
claim to have won a stirring victory in 1991 yet believe the
ludicrous lie that Iraq was involved in 9-11? Because for
many months Bush administration officials, as well as quasi-officials
such as Ken Adelman and Richard Perle, have given credence
to the lie in countless speeches and interviews.
As for nuclear weapons, as far as I know no one in the administration
has stated that Iraq possesses any. But the president and
his aides have repeatedly and grossly exaggerated the imminence
and magnitude of the threat Iraq poses to the United States,
so that a majority of Americans now see Iraq as a far greater
threat than do the administration's own intelligence experts.
Those experts, whose job is to honestly evaluate regimes
such as Saddam's, should not be confused with the administration's
big-name, big-time propagandists, whose job is to exploit
the president's reputation as a straight shooter to pull the
wool over the eyes of the very Americans most inclined to
trust him. The word "cynical" doesn't begin to do justice
to this sordid scam.
While our news media shoot down Saddam's lies the second
they're launched, they beam the Bush team's lies as truth
from coast to coast, keeping them airborne and believeable
for the masses even after a lie has been exposed by the occasional
enterprising reporter. (Click
here to review lies exposed by the Washington Post's Dana
Millbank.) The staying power of White House disinformation
is so awesome that I coined an expression in tribute: "frequent
liar miles".
Rather than present administration lies as truth, network
news anchors and interviewers should show some backbone and
preface the lies with a variation on Rumsfeld's proposed disclaimer
for Saddam:
"Here is a president [or secretary of defense] who, when
it comes to Iraq, repeatedly lies, exaggerates, misrepresents,
deletes crucial context, or states actual facts in a manner
cleverly designed to leave a false impression. Viewers beware."
For those not yet convinced of the need for such drastic
measures, consider what David Wessel reported in the December
12 Wall Street Journal:
The Bush administration "seems particularly proud of its
skill in misleading the press, the public and Congress, when
convenient. . . . A White House aide who had told me one thing
on the record a few weeks ago tried to persuade me over the
weekend, not for attribution, that the opposite was true.
I protested. His reply: 'Why would I lie? Because that's what
I'm supposed to do. Lying to the press doesn't prick anyone's
That attitude starts at the top. It's high time the major
media explained to viewers the difference between a real straight
shooter and a president who plays one on TV.
Online Resources on Bush Administration Deceit:
Stories on how the Bush team is leaning on intelligence pros
to "cook the books" on Iraq - to create the impression of
smoking guns out of smoke and mirrors:
(Houston Chronicle, Knight-Ridder)
(The Guardian of London)
List of 18 administration "whoppers" on Iraq and other matters
Detailed, often devastating critique from a progressive perspective
of Bush's mendacious national address on Iraq, delivered in
Cincinnati on October 7, 2002:
Tracing the ups and downs of the bogus story of the mythical
meeting in Prague between an Iraqi agent and al Qaeda's Mohamed
Joseph Curl's damning report in the conservative Washington
Times on Bush's misrepresentation (or worse) of the IAEA,
to inflate the Iraqi nuclear threat:
Allies Find No Links Between Iraq, Al Qaeda "Evidence isn't
there, officials in Europe say, adding that an attack on Hussein
would worsen the threat of terrorism by Islamic radicals."
Los Angeles Times, by Sebastian Rotella,0,495700.story?null
On administration deceit, chicanery and bald-faced lying
regarding taxes and other economic issues, see the writings
of New York Times columnist and Princeton professor Paul Krugman:
On administration dishonesty on Colombia, often in the form
of falsely certifying that the government has met human-rights
and rule-of-law conditions attached to U.S. aid, see the reports
of Amnesty International, the Washington Office on Latin America
and Human Rights Watch. Here is a damning report the three
groups wrote together (earlier, the same groups dissected
the false certification by the Clinton administration):
David Corn, "CIA Report Refutes Bush's Rhetoric"
Joost R. Hiltermann of Human Rights Watch on how the Reagan
administration encouraged and covered up Saddam's gassing
of the Kurds in 1988 - relevant because many Reagan officials
work today for Bush, and because Bush regularly invokes the
gas attacks when making a moral case against Saddam. Hiltermann
has analyzed "thousands of captured Iraqi secret police documents
and declassified U.S. government documents" as part of a book
he's writing on U.S. policy toward Iraq. Here's a piece he
published in the January 17 International Herald Tribune:
"America Didn't Seem to Mind Poison Gas"
Administration falsely accuses Cuba, on eve of Jimmy Carter's
visit to island, of developing biological arms: November 2,
2002, Agence France Presse
For oodles of evidence on administration dissembling - and
how mainstream-media bigshots aid and abet the dissemblers
- see Bob Somerby's well-argued critiques: