Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: If you could choose only between Bloomberg and Sanders to be our nominee, [View all]Celerity
(46,446 posts)DU is so not monolithic. My issue with Bernie is that he will get us crushed in general if he slips and slides into the nomination. We will get killed in the House and Senate races as well. I actually like his policies, but he is not running where I live atm, ie. Sweden. He is running in reactionary, gerrymandered, hate-radio-filled, violent, white-nationalist reinvigorated, hyper-capitalistic, low info voterland, ie. the US, where you have tens of millions of delusional proles who think they are just one break away from being multi-millionaires, so thus vote to keep a millionaire-friendly system in place as they are sure they too will soon be enjoying its fruits. You also have a shit tonne of 'I got mine, so fuck you!' types and those fuckers vote in droves. Bernie cannot win, as he will have a billion or 2 USD of COMMMMMMMMIE!!!!!!!! red-baiting adverts rain down on his and ALL our Congressional candidates' heads from every conceivable angle and level. Plus the MSM will join in the blood-letting. Hard pass on the Bern, as the nation cannot take 4 more years of Trump with the added hell bonus of Rethug full control of Congress again.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden