Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: If you could choose only between Bloomberg and Sanders to be our nominee, [View all]The Velveteen Ocelot
(121,139 posts)and now I regret it. I was excited by his ideas and didn't see that he's a rigid ideologue who cultivates a my-way-or-the-highway approach to campaigning that verges on demagoguery. It was the 2016 convention that first turned me off - the refusal of his supporters to accept the results of the convention suggested the beginnings of what I'm seeing now: a personality cult. Sanders employs and endorses divisive people who spend more time trashing Democrats than working against Trump, and that's a recipe for disaster. All I can say in his favor is that he'd be better than Trump, which is a pretty low bar. If he's nominated we will lose; if he's not nominated his more fanatical followers will do what they did in 2016: vote for some Green Party nutbag or stay home. If by some fluke of fate he does become president he won't have the support of the Democrats in Congress whom he's been kicking in the nuts for the last four years and he won't get a damn thing done. If he does get the nomination I'll vote for him, but not happily.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden