Bernie Sanders
In reply to the discussion: They were not "humble enough" and had to be shut down.Words of BLM founder. [View all]bobalew
(361 posts)in the late 60's & 70's. Yeah he was around then, too. A young whippersnapper of a grad student, in a corduroy 3 Piece suit & long hair, using IBM 300's to consolidate the Republican base in a database. This created the Republican mailing list which boosted their turnout. That is why we ended up with NIxon, the crook. And Of course , the media.... Don't forget them. I was there, & watched the whole thing go down, Then ended in the DC area for that summer & got to see beginnings of the Watergate break-in backlash, by being a door to door salesman in Arlington & DC. Met many of the reporters, & Georgetown journalism Professors, who were in the thick of it. Sometimes converging with history gets you a bigger & more detailed perspective on things. AND, the Anti-War marchers, DID make a difference, no matter what revision you have of that history. I was there, too, in the streets. When it got to costly & no one made a Profit off the war & too many were dead, finally turned the tide.At that point the war costs could no longer be hidden, and the economic burden of it finally hit home. It took all of the 80's to pay that debt off, and recover from it, including the hit to the youth population. A lot of Vietnam Vets STILL have yet to recover from that Fiasco.