Oh media how transparent you are [View all]
It's super close it's super close it's super close ..for months
Day before the election Hillary is going to win.
Let me just say fuck you and your horse race. This race was never close and you knew it the whole time.
Your quest for profit let this despicable human being spew racist vomit all over our country with wall to wall coverage.
We will be living with the effects of your greed for years to come trying to stamp out all the racists you allowed that monster to legitimize because a horse race is profitable.
Watching you all line up today to admit finally this thing is over has made me sick to my stomachache. You have terrorized people for months pretending this buffoon had a shot at winning this thing. Ignoring purposely the fundamental reality of this race.
Our country is and has been far too diverse for the old white men to carry a national election by themselves for over a decade. Still you pretended a man that went out of his way to denigrate every single.minority had a chance.
He didn't he doesn't and his type never will have a chance in this great melting pot of ours.
Aghhh just had to get that off my chest.