2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Hillary Clinton Will Never be President of the United States [View all]
There is a great deal of passion on both sides of this Democratic coin this election season. The GD-P Board is constantly filled with posts attacking both candidates. Some are substantive and some are posted by people who have literally been quoted admitting they are just trolling.
This is not about that. This is about something far more serious that needs to be driven home.
Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States. Not now. Not ever.
Now right away, some of you have already stopped reading and have gone to the comments to tell me that I am wrong and that Senator Sanders will never be President either. That's fine. I expect that you will write your own OP on this matter.
She very well may win the nomination. She still will never be President.
I cannot put this any more delicately than this: During this campaign, Hillary Clinton has had the opportunity of her lifetime to display to the American public why she should be the entrusted with the privilege of being President. She has had the opportunity to win back the trust (the trust she has admitted she knows she needs to earn back) of the electorate and has continuously failed to do so. She has had the opportunity to be transparent and be an open book to show how honest she actually is. Countless examples of her failure in this matter are alarming. Forget just the e-mails and transcripts, and YouTube videos showing her dishonesty. How about the little things? How about that journalists, working hard, have traveled with her for months. And the last question she fielded from them was ten weeks ago. That is not a transparent campaign.
Like it or not, she is not viewed as genuine. Two people who ARE viewed as genuine? Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Trump is a national disgrace and an embarrassment at every turn, yet people believe him to be honest and genuine. Again, Hillary Clinton may win the nomination, but how on God's green earth will she be able to run on her own words and record when Trump will destroy her at every turn. Let's not forget that Bernie Sanders is going EASY on her. Now take a look at what Trump is doing to his OWN party. Do you think that worse isn't on its way?
Yet again though, the comments will say, "Bernie will get eviscerated by Trump too". On what grounds? Are there videos of him demonizing racial groups or homosexuals? No. Is there a 13 minute loop of him lying about every position he stands for? No. Are they going to call him old and grouchy? Is that what will tip the scales? Are they going to call him a Socialist? Is that the hard hitting attack they will go on, when a good percentage of the electorate is not turned off by that word? Is the FBI investigating his actions or the actions of those close to him?
But yes, she will have the vote of POC. I don't deny that. Let's look at those states: South Carolina (Red 9 straight times), Georgia (Red last 5 times, 7 out of last 8), Alabama (Red 9 straight times), Mississippi (Red 9 straight times). The list goes on.
Fine fine... Even though that's her "Strength", they will say, "We wouldn't win those anyways". How about battleground states? Colorado, where she is losing ground daily to Sanders (Red 7 of the last 10 times). Iowa, which turned out in record number for the Republican primaries and where she could not get a majority of Democratic votes? There goes 6 more electoral votes. New Hampshire? There goes 4 more. Nevada? Where Trump is expected to cruise to victory again? 6 more gone. And we haven't heard one attack in this GE campaign and we already losing our previously expected plurality. The list goes on.
Attack those numbers too. That's fine. Nowhere will we see an issue based response as to why she would win those in a GE, but those numbers will be attacked. It's fine. She will never be President.
I keep hearing about how crucial this GE is. How it is vital to have a liberal leaning Supreme Court? Then why are we marching in like lambs to the slaughter with a candidate whose resume is stacked with some impressive positions, but whose campaign has done nothing but trend downward for almost an ENTIRE year. Where is this bounce for her coming from? Do you think its coming from Sanders supporters? Sure count on a lot of us. Not everyone. Is it coming from Independents? Not by the looks of it.
There's only one candidate who can win this GE for us and it's Bernie Sanders. (And no, I did not ever picture myself saying that a couple of years ago).
Everything about his candidacy gives us a better shot of the White House and that is the damn goal. Too idealistic? So be it. We will have the White House. Want to go on that "realism" platform? The White House will be theirs. I try every day to find the silver lining. I am an activist, volunteer, and I have a career. I take NO pride in declaring we would lose. But the simple fact is every day she turns more and more people away rather than toward her.
And that is why Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States.
Note: This is an opinion piece about the Primary Election and the subsequent General Election. At no point have I violated TOS, nor are my opinions derogatory in nature. You may disagree with them. That's fine.
Edit: I'm going to let this sit and I will go eat some lunch now. I hope this can enable some solutions to be discussed as to how we can actually change this and win in November