Scientists think they've spotted the farthest galaxy in the universe [View all]
By Chelsea Gohd a day ago
GN-z11 is truly a galaxy far, far away
The galaxy GN-z11, which scientists think could be the farthest and oldest galaxy every observed, superimposed on an image from the COODS-North survey.
(Image: © NASA, ESA, P. Oesch (Yale University), G. Brammer (STScI), P. van Dokkum (Yale University), and G. Illingworth (University of California, Santa Cruz) )
Astronomers have peered out into the vast expanse and spotted what they think is the farthest (and oldest) galaxy ever observed.
The galaxy GN-z11 might not have a flashy name, but it appears to be the most distant and oldest galaxy ever detected, scientists have found. Astronomers led by Nobunari Kashikawa, a professor in the department of astronomy at the University of Tokyo, embarked on a mission to find the universe's most distant observable galaxy, to learn more about how it formed and when.
"From previous studies, the galaxy GN-z11 seems to be the farthest detectable galaxy from us, at 13.4 billion light-years, or 134 nonillion kilometers (that's 134 followed by 30 zeros)," Kashikawa said in a statement. "But measuring and verifying such a distance is not an easy task."
To determine how far GN-z11 is from us here on planet Earth, Kashikawa's team studied the galaxy's redshift how much its light has stretched out, or shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. In general, the farther away a cosmic object is from us on Earth, the more redshifted its light will be.