Where you see "good news" I see thousands of years of oppression.
Where you see "good news" I see people burned at the stake for being heretics.
Where you see "good news" I see science and progress held back because of bronze age beliefs.
Where you see "good news" I see women and lgbt people still being persecuted because they weren't fortunate enough to be born straight males.
I will stop criticizing religion when it stays out of government, schools, politics and our wombs.
I will stop criticizing religion when religious believers stop trying to restrict other people's rights.
I will stop criticizing religion when people stop killing in the name of religion.
Until then religious people better get used to some pushback. We are fighting for our LIVES here, when our rights are threatened I think criticism of religion is more than warranted. I believe I have a right and an obligation to speak up. If that makes some people uncomfortable imagine how WE feel when we read about women dying because they don't have access to birth control and abortion. Imagine how WE feel when we read about yet ANOTHER honour killing. Imagine how WE feel when we read about yet another transgender woman beaten to death. Imagine how WE feel when we read about legislation being introduced to legalize discrimination against gay people. Imagine how WE feel when we see pictures of mass graves in the middle east.
You see good news, I see more suffering and death in the name of gods who, if they exist at best don't give a damn about their children and at worst fully approve of that suffering and death.