Coronation News Now: It has to go here, else the world is too painful to contemplate [View all]
The Shovel Gives A Quick Overview
Your Guide to the Coronation
Did you know that the Coronation Spoon was originally used by King George IV during a heroin bender at Windsor castle in 1828? Steeped in history, King Charless Coronation on Saturday evening (Australian time) will follow a set of rituals that has barely changed in almost a thousand years...
The procession into the Abbey by dignitaries and Archbishops will then begin. At the head of procession is The Coronation Cross, a hand-crafted item which is made up of a number of relics, including a donation from the Vatican a shard of wood from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. It also contains fragments of wicker from Easter Bunnys original egg basket....
The King will then be led to the Chair of Estate stolen from a council housing estate by Richard III in 1484 and presented to the people by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Charles will be clothed in the Robe of State, coloured red to represent the blood on the hands of the Royal Family following centuries of colonisation and plunder. Just kidding. It symbolises wealth and prosperity.
The Bugle Podcast takes a more in-depth and less fawningly respectful tone of The Coronation than did The Shovel.
Indeed, it was from this podcast I first learned that there would be TWO splinters from the True Cross tastefully arranged in the shape of a cross and embedded in a jewel of some sort.
This being The Bugle, and this seeming much too bonkers, I did look elsewhere on the web, and found this to be True. The Shovel (my other truly trusted news source) and now confirmed this.
Still, as Andy Zaltzman pointed out, Christ might really want to revisit that moment when He is hauled down from on high to participate in the Consecration of King Charley since being crucified was horrible enough, without ending up with splinters as well.
cash outlay for The Coronation is admitted by the UK Tory (Conservative) government to being at least 100 million pounds. Indirect costs are thought to be tens of millions more.
In some Truly Good Coronation News: the Tories were totally TRASHED in the just concluded Local Elections