The Board was depolitisized starting in 2002...
I served as a Board Member in 1995-96 and we were mainly dealing with tech issues since it was when everything was going digital.
The percieved problems in the counting in Cuyahoga Country was a flub of double counting absentee ballots in a few precincts. As soon as they discovered it happen, the numbers changed in these precincts and people just went with it.
Also, they had consolidated a whole mess of precints in the early part of the 2000's. There was over 2200 precincts in 2000. I believe they got it down to about 1700 for the 2004 election. This was mandated by the SOS. But each board was responsible for their actions. Many of the precincts were dead due to massive populations shifts. 2004 was the first election with all the new precincts in so there were several areas that were not allocated the correct nember of machines.
Also, Cuyahoga County is so dominated by democrats, no one in their right mind would believe that the GOP would be able to manipulate voting. There would have had to have been unprecidented cooperation between the party's and that wasn't going to happen.
I had a thread on DU that explained how it happened. It's probably still over on DU2.
You have to remember that the Boards of Election were hyper partisan. For every democrat there had to be a republican. It was crazy. So there was always one person watching another person all the time.
The corruption in the County is strickly about people doing favors for other people. It's as simple as that.
I know most of the major players and was in fact Dimora's treasurer for the party and his political accounts.
I quit in 2001 so what ever happened after that....
Anyway, Dimora just got greedy. He was drunk with power being a commisioner and the chairman of the party.
I ran into him about two years before the scandal broke and he had become a real self-important jerk. I'm glad I got out hen I could.
So the stuff that happened in the county as of late had nothing at all to do with the stuff that happened at the BOE in 2004.