A perfect 4th of July. Just a peek into my day. [View all]
which could be any day. Up early, fed the dogs and cats, made the coffee. Some home made cinnamon currant walnut toast with honey. A few hours getting our groceries and produce at the Farmers Market and Trader Joe. Microwaved some corn we bought, and leftover ratatouille for a quick lunch. Watered the garden, wrote a blog about how things are doing out there, watched the Red Sox - beer is chilling, soon off to get us a take out pizza. My wife spent the time doing a knitting tutorial. We will walk the dogs, watch a movie - I'll work on my presentation for an upcoming book promo trip (to Seed Savers in Iowa). One eye will be on DU - a cat or three will be curled up with me - then the crash into bed happy and tired at midnight or so.
That my wife and I are free to have a day like this - that we have each other, good hobbies, our health, our pets - feeling very fortunate indeed. And I try to remind myself of that every single day.
So it isn't really the perfect 4th exclusively - but 3rd, 5th, whatever. For as long as I can manage it!
tonight's beverage -
A toast to all of you at DU - Happy 4th!