Malcolm Nance About The Insurgency America Is Suffering [View all]
There's no clear understanding of MAGAts and trumpcult through an intellectualized politics that they wouldn't admit to and actually don't give a damn about, anyway.
They are about "replacement" fear, along with being on the side of Might Makes Right, and for the last two years, guns, militias, their slow roll mass ideological "lone wolf" mass shootings while their sympathetic law enforcement stand by and do nothing. While SCOTUS open the door to ... we know.
What Nance talks about is not our future but our present. On the ground, where it doesn't matter what the 77% think about an armed and motivated 23%.
And so, while we talk the politics of the midterms,
we can't act as if the insurgency we're experiencing can also be referred to in the political abstract.
I'd recommend reading Malcolm Nance's They Want to Kill Americans, recently released.
In it he lays out MAGAts evolution into an insurgency since Obama (he just returned from a tour of combat in Ukraine). It contains recent familiar history, but he's solid and succinct on
-- their self radicalizing history,
-- their further grooming through Q;
-- their seizing on ex-military whose sense of betrayal justifies their reason to find enemies and fight
how these groups have come to conclude together that we liberals need to be literally wiped out.
His book helps us better see the radicalized dark forest we've tried to find our way out of over past decades.
He lays out the insurgency; unfortunately, he's clear but a bit short on solutions (only about 18 pages of that, which also totally ignore funding sources). I'd say it's because he's really got a counterterrorism bias, and is also constrained, as we all are, with Rule of Law (and our urge to stay fair and keep the faith) in the face of Americans out there who want us dead.
But re counterterrorism, military training, active duty 'enforcers' involvement in trumpism, he's the real deal.
My overall take: Over the next two years, know your enemy, because your enemy has plans for you, women and our descendants.