Health Care in a Time of [Trump Admin} #Sabotage " Its basically about spite: [View all]
Health Care in a Time of Sabotage
Paul Krugman
5-7 minutes
Is Trumpcare finally dead? Even now, its hard to be sure, especially given Republican moderates long track record of caving in to extremists at crucial moments. But it does look as if the frontal assault on the Affordable Care Act has failed.
........................You can see this dependence on good intentions by looking at how health reform has played out at the state level. States that embraced the law fully, like California and Kentucky, made great progress in reducing the number of the uninsured; states that dragged their feet, like Tennessee, benefited far less.
Or consider the problem of counties served by only one insurer; as a recent study noted, this problem is almost entirely limited to states with Republican governors.
But now the federal government itself is run by people who couldnt repeal Obamacare, but would clearly still like to see it fail if only to justify the repeated, dishonest claims, especially by the tweeter in chief himself, that it was already failing. Or to put it a bit differently, when Trump threatens to let Obamacare fail, what hes really threatening is to make it fail.
On Wednesday The Times reported on three ways the Trump administration is, in effect, sabotaging the A.C.A. (my term, not The Timess). First, the administration is weakening enforcement of the requirement that healthy people buy coverage. Second, its letting states impose onerous rules like work requirements on people seeking Medicaid. Third, it has backed off on advertising and outreach designed to let people know about options for coverage.
Actually, it has done more than back off. As reported by The Daily Beast, the Department of Health and Human Services has diverted funds appropriated by law for consumer information and outreach and used them instead to finance a social media propaganda campaign against the law that H.H.S. is supposed to be administering a move, by the way, of dubious legality. Meanwhile, the departments website, which used to offer helpful links for people seeking insurance, now sends viewers to denunciations of the A.C.A.
And there may be worse to come: Insurance companies, which are required by law to limit out-of-pocket expenses of low-income customers, are already raising premiums sharply because theyre worried about a possible cutoff of the crucial federal cost-sharing reduction subsidies that help them meet that requirement.
So this isnt about policy, or even politics in the normal sense.
Its basically about spite: Trump and his allies may have suffered a humiliating political defeat, but at least they can make millions of other people suffer....................................
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