Am I the only one that thinks its rather stupid for Democrats to accept the branding that the Republicans donned the ACA with?...Obamacare?
I understand the thinking. Maybe its another of the "only in America" with its wild west standoff traditions. want to try and besmirch our health bill by making it all about the black man in the white house? Ok...we will one up you and embrace it and one day you will rue the day you pushed that branding because everyone will love it and you'll be scrambling to erase Obama's name from it.
All that did was solidify the message and make it easier for places like FAUX News to coninue to prop up the meme for the next 10 years that it was brought down by that ruthless socialist Muslim dictator that somehow sneaked into the White House. Any hiccups will be all his and by extension the Democrats, fault.
Right from the start they should have corrected all news hosts by either saying it is the Affordable Care Act, not "Obamacare". That many hardworking legislators worked on it. That much of it was taken from the Heritage Foundation and other Conservative plans from the past.
If the ACA is not catchy enough then I proposed already that it should have been called "Americare" from the start by Democrats. If the GOP wanted to still call it Obamacare that's their prerogative.