President Obama and the Democratic Leaders in Congress would do well to note that in this poll,
a MAJORITY of respondents (51%) say that Obamacare needs changes.
President Obama & the Democrats in Congress should also note that, according to this poll,
"Obamacare is also likely to weigh on people's minds this November:.52% said the law would be a major factor in their decision, and 20% said it would be a minor factor."
That's 72 percent saying that Obamacare would be a factor in their decision come November!
It seems to me that since 51 percent of respondents to this poll want CHANGES to the ACA,
why not go for broke and try to give America the quality of health care that most of the Western countries already have?....Universal Health Care!
And if the GOP successfully blocks any attempt by Obama & the Democrats to change Obamacare into Universal Health Care, then the Democrats will be able to say to the American voters:
"See, we tried to make changes to improve Obamacare; but the Republicans refused to go along with us.
They didn't want to change the law to make it better; all they wanted to do was to repeal it, and leave 45 million Americans without any health care plan at all."
If President Obama and the Democrats in Congress did this, the American voters would know which political party is for what THEY want, (Democrats)
and which political party is for what the big insurance companies want.(Republicans)
IMO, sitting back and doing nothing to make Obamacare a better health plan will mean disaster for Democrats come November.