Like you, I think that "we should have single payer".
But does the ACA have to be repealed to make Obamacare a single payer health plan?
I'm one of the "51% who think it should be kept but may need some small changes"
Granted, making Obamacare into a single payer health plan is not a "small change";
it's a "big change"; but the ACA need not be repealed in order to make such a "big change"
IMO, If the American people were asked if they would like Obamacare to be changed into a single payer health plan, (like Canada, The UK, and all the northern European countries have now)
the American people would overwhelmingly support such a change.
Of course, the insurance companies would fight any such change, and the GOP would most likely side with them; but the fact remains that Obamacare COULD be changed to make it a single payer health plan.
The question is, would President Obama and Congressional Democrats even ATTEMPT such a move?
If they did, I'm convinced that the American people would support them.
If they did, and the GOP blocked them, then it would be clear to the American people that the President and Congressional Democrats wanted to make Obamacare better, but the Republicans did NOT want to make Obamacare better...all they wanted to do was to repeal it.
which is something that, according to this poll, only 34% of Americans want.