Much of the revenue that is generated is kept by these companies, which pulls money out of the local economy and slows economic activity to enrich the few.
American Traffic Solutions, Inc.- This Arizona-based company bills itself as "a leading provider of technology enabled business and service solutions for Road Safety Camera operations." What they don't tell the public is that one-third of the company is owned by Goldman Sachs, or that they keep up to 86 percent of the profit on their red light cams. Critics say ATS, Inc. is getting rich while the municipalities they supply are barely breaking even after expenses.
Redflex Traffic Systems.- Phoenix, Arizona-based Redflex is second after ATS, Inc. as a provider of red light cameras, with more than 2,000 of the devices placed in cities across the United States and Canada. Their revenues totalled more than $92 million in 2011. The company keeps up to 88 percent of the proceeds from traffic violations caught using its equipment.
Affiliated Computer Services- This former Fortune 500 Company is a subsidiary of the Xerox Corporation. It is based out of Dallas, Texas and now operates in over 100 countries. Its annual revenue is in the billions, and it was the subject of an SEC investigation in 2005 due to the unethical business practices of its then-CEO, Mark King and CFO Warren Edwards, who both resigned. The company was bought out by Xerox in 2010 and provides red light cams to cities all over North America through its Transportation Solutions Group.