False Rumors That Activists Set Wildfires Exasperate Officials [View all]
Source: New York Times
Officials dealing with catastrophic fires on the West Coast have had to counter social media rumors that the blazes were set by antifascist activists, publicly pleading that people verify information before sharing it.
Despite their efforts, misinformation about the origin of the fires which have killed at least 15 people and consumed millions of acres continues to spread on Facebook and Twitter.
Several law enforcement agencies in Oregon said they had been flooded with inquiries about rumors that activists were responsible. On Thursday, several journalists reporting on fires near the city of Molalla, Ore., said they had been confronted by a group of armed people who were worried about unverified reports of arsonists in the area.
The rumors appear to have started on Wednesday night, after the Portland Police Bureau warned people on Twitter about the risk of fire during demonstrations. But there is no evidence that activists have deliberately set fires.
Read more: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/10/us/antifa-wildfires.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage
So, starting these rumors make America great again?
I guess my question is why isn't Trump doing all he can to send aid to the West Coast to take care of these fires?
Why is Trump doing nothing about the pandemic?
Why is Trump doing everything he can to cast doubt on the results of the upcoming election?
I think Trump is a traitor.