North Korea is indeed close to what two countries? Look at a map..but I will explain...
North Korea borders on China and has a very small border with Russia. but a major city in that area with a more than a million people is about 50 miles from the North Korean border. take a look..
So. It is in China and Russia's best interest not to have a "war" not far from them.. I suspect the nut in North Korea needs help from Russia and China. ..economic help... from time to time.
So, if that nut wants help from his "neighbors" than maybe his "neighbors" could convince him to shut the fuck up, and talk to with South Korea and work something out. In a moment I will post a link to a map of North Korea. Please take a look at the map. (click on the map after it appears, and you will see the entire area)
Now, if you look at the map, you will see that China is on the border, and Valdivostok (very large Russian city) is about 50 miles from the Korean border. So it really is in, China, Russia, North Korea, and South Korea best interest not to have a "war" in that area.
Trump has nothing to do with the politics in that area.. He is just to stupid to know the truth. And although we have very strong connections with South Korea, the essence of that war (if there is one) will be 7000 miles from the U.S. It would be very close to China and Russia. So it is in their direct interest to get that nut, to shut the fuck up and negotiate with their neighbors to the south, South Korea.
Trump has no more right to get any credit for starting negotiations in that area, than he has a right to say that he was responsible for the snow today in Alaska. It is that simple.