I just can't quite figure out Comey. It seems that by his nature he was honest even if a R. But L. Patrick Gray had the same rep and he obstructed justice in the Watergate investigation. Of course, nothing happened to him. except some investigations until the furor quieted down. It seems that once you leave it's ok. That's the way Washing toon works. He actually burned evidence. There must be something in the Republican mind that ethics and professionalism always take a back seat to tribal loyalty. The cynical side of me says they never appoint anyone they don't have control over. Blackmail comes to mind. Between the RNC and the Russians they could find some dirt on about anyone. Being in the party is almost an indictment in my book and Obama didn't understand the true nature of the Republican tribe because he was never in it. You can bet that any appointees have a large secrete dossier somewhere hanging over their head. I know it sounds like conspiracy crap, which I loathe, but I can think of no other explanation. Both Gray and Comey had reputations for honesty and professionalism but folded under pressure. The alternative is that the authoritarian mind always bows to power.
It's not really important at this stage, because the deed is done and the fascists have the reins. A new Department of Justice OIG will be installed and the whole thing will fade into history once the public is bored with it and returns to their sports entertainment. The only thing left is mockery and resistance.