America has a new "Origional Sin" [View all]
And it is why we have Trump and many other problems that should not even be.
President Obama & the Democrats allowed the Bush / Cheney crowd to never be held accountable. They left the minions with the purpose to do harm to democracy intact. They never called hearings to pull the threads that would unravel the whole damn mess.
We were lied into a war is just the tip of the iceberg.
And then we also let off the bankers-who lied & concocted mortgage backed securities schemes that bankrupt our economy-no accountability whatsoever from untold damage to America.
When that decision was made - to walk away & just try to get along. That was insane frankly. You are not dealing with anything close to rational people.
The only way this could have been avoided would be to prosecute the son of a bitches to the full extent of the law. And if we didn't get cooperation that doesn't matter. Just start pulling threads & the cards will fall. Start with maybe the yellow cake documents. Or maybe Halliburton's palates of C-notes that just went "poof".
There were so many ways to attack them in a honest fashion to finally display to any true American what we were dealing with.
Psychopaths & traitorous bastards. Those who would deal with enemy foreign governments to gain a political advantage or carry out a dirty dead.
That is who Republicans are-any sane person can see that now.
But this would have been a hell of a lot easier to quench back then. And we could have invested in America so much more than the obstructionist Republicans have allowed. Indeed we could have torn off the scab-cleaned the wound & started healing.
That is not the road we are on now is it. I'm also afraid not just of the blowback coming soon when he looses.
It is the ones who come after him. Smarter-more devious & able to sway the crowds that are now ripe for whatever turmoil they imagine just.
It is coming I'm afraid. And it is because we did not hold the traitorous bastards accountable in 2008.
(My OP)