Was the GOP Collecting Completed Absentee Ballots in NC? [View all]
by david badash
October 17, 2016 11:17 AM
After Sunday's despicable and horrific attack on the Orange County, North Carolina offices of the Republican party, GOP spokesperson Emily Weeks told NBC News "that materials inside, possibly including completed absentee ballots, may have been destroyed."
Fox News appears to have reported "absentee ballots burned in office attack."
If completed absentee ballots were housed in the GOP's headquarters, that could be a violation of North Carolina's State Board of Election's rules.
When asked if the GOP could have been collecting completed absentee voter ballots, Tracy Ream, the Director of North Carolina's Orange County Board of Elections told The New Civil Rights Movement via telephone Monday, "they cannot do that." She cited the State Board of Elections rules ...