Obama to Free Non-violent drug offenders.....What about Don Siegelman? [View all]
"Obama Plans Broader Use of Clemency to Free Non Violent Drug Offenders"
From NYT article:
"With the stroke of his pen he will probably commute more sentences at one time than any president has in nearly half a century."
I'm not opposed to the President's plan to free non violent drug offenders.
The nation's prisons are filled with non violent drug offenders, and, oftentimes, VIOLENT offenders are released early to make room for the large numbers of incoming non violent drug offenders.
Since President Obama is planing a "Broader Use of Clemency For Non Violent Drug Offenders",
I hope he is also planning to use his "Broader Use of Clemency" to free the non violent former governor of Arkansas..Don Siegelman, who, unlike even the "non violent drug offenders"..
Come on, Mr. President, do the right thing, use your "broader use of clemency" to free an innocent man who was railroaded by Karl Rove, a corrupt judge, and a corrupt US Attorney, (Laura Canary)